plastic penguin:smuggs:
i have found
laptop through dac-magic 10o'clock
cd player through dac- magic 9o'clock
turntable 11-12o'clock and that sounds awesome so may look at getting some rothwells myself £40 seems a lot though
Just a quick suggestion: Your turntable has to be at 12 o'clock to achieve roughly the same volume as the CDP, so why not just change your cartridge. If you buy one with a higher MVs. I have the same issue: my ClearAudio Cartridge is a fairly low MVs and it means I have to crank it up further.
That's the point of attenuators to reduce a high output voltage from the source relative to the low input voltage of the amp to give you a greater range and control of the volume.
On Smuggs' TT everything is working how it should be and the problem - and only if he were to consider it to be one - is with the CD. I'm not an evangelist on the subject but they work for me under my listening circumstances, but this will probably explain it better.
i have found
laptop through dac-magic 10o'clock
cd player through dac- magic 9o'clock
turntable 11-12o'clock and that sounds awesome so may look at getting some rothwells myself £40 seems a lot though
Just a quick suggestion: Your turntable has to be at 12 o'clock to achieve roughly the same volume as the CDP, so why not just change your cartridge. If you buy one with a higher MVs. I have the same issue: my ClearAudio Cartridge is a fairly low MVs and it means I have to crank it up further.
That's the point of attenuators to reduce a high output voltage from the source relative to the low input voltage of the amp to give you a greater range and control of the volume.
On Smuggs' TT everything is working how it should be and the problem - and only if he were to consider it to be one - is with the CD. I'm not an evangelist on the subject but they work for me under my listening circumstances, but this will probably explain it better.