Using Sonus client (or equivalent) with Terastation (or equivalent)


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I'm looking for a wireless or wired MP3 client that would attach to my existing hifi. The hifi is near enough to the router that I could get away with a wired connection, though wireless would probably be more acceptable to Her Indoors.

However, I don't want a specifically "music" streaming server, I want to use a generic NAS device (a Buffalo Terastation, for the sake of argument), which will also be used for other non-music shared files.

How does the client work with the server - ie, how do you restrict the client to only look at certain areas of the server - does the client come with a specific user ID which made be granted access to a specific share on the server?
I believe you merely configure a seperate network share on the NAS, then point the Sonos to that share using the Desktop Controller. You can read more in chapter 4 of the user guide:


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