Using bi-wire cable with single terminals


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2014
I have bi wire speaker cable, the flat type with four strands. I want to use it with amp/speakers with single terminals so should I either just use 2 of the strands on each cable, or use both HF and LF strands in a single banana plug, or doesn't it matter either way?!

mightyquin said:
I have bi wire speaker cable, the flat type with four strands. I want to use it with amp/speakers with single terminals so should I either just use 2 of the strands on each cable, or use both HF and LF strands in a single banana plug, or doesn't it matter either way?!


Simply twist two pairs together into one. But better still, and idiot proof, is to simply buy more speaker cables.
Thanks. I have good quality cable so would rather use what I have, plus it's routed under carpets so it's a bit of a pain to replace. I'll just feed two cables into the banana plugs.

It's funny, when I got into hifi about 25 years ago, bi-wiring was a MUST do and you should always buy speakers that allowed it. I guess it's a bit like the kings new clothes!
If the wire is there I'd utilise it, but any speakers that I have that can be bi-wire are not. That's not to say I'm correct and those that do are not, but previously when I did bi-wire, it made no difference to the sound in my opinion
mightyquin said:
Thanks. I have good quality cable so would rather use what I have, plus it's routed under carpets so it's a bit of a pain to replace. I'll just feed two cables into the banana plugs.

It's funny, when I got into hifi about 25 years ago, bi-wiring was a MUST do and you should always buy speakers that allowed it. I guess it's a bit like the kings new clothes!

The ability to bi-wire was always a good selling point but it was purely a fad. The ability likewise to bi-amp is a completely different matter.
mightyquin said:
I have bi wire speaker cable, the flat type with four strands. I want to use it with amp/speakers with single terminals so should I either just use 2 of the strands on each cable, or use both HF and LF strands in a single banana plug, or doesn't it matter either way?!

As Al said, combine the two positives together, ditto the negatives (or as you named them, the HF and LF). If it helps, and depending what your amp/speaker terminals are like, there are some banana plugs that you can stack - i.e. insert one into the other. Some go in at right angles, others go end to end. You can google images.
nopiano said:
mightyquin said:
I have bi wire speaker cable, the flat type with four strands. I want to use it with amp/speakers with single terminals so should I either just use 2 of the strands on each cable, or use both HF and LF strands in a single banana plug, or doesn't it matter either way?!

As Al said, combine the two positives together, ditto the negatives (or as you named them, the HF and LF). If it helps, and depending what your amp/speaker terminals are like, there are some banana plugs that you can stack - i.e. insert one into the other. Some go in at right angles, others go end to end. You can google images.

Indeed you could go this way it just depends on wire thickness once you have twisted the two together. Just make sure the same pairs are twisted together at either end,

There's even some banana plugs with two connections one at 30 degrees or so to the other.


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