Usage of Digital Output on a DAC


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I already own a Beresford 7510. I´d like to replace this with a DAC XP from Cyrus.

My current setup

PC -> Beresford -> Cyrus 8vs2 (as a pre-amp) -> X-Power (stereo)

I was checking out the connections on the XP and i noticed an Optical Output. What would be a typical scenario for using this connection?

Would i benefit if i connect my Beresford to it? So i´d be using Two DACS .. ?

Thanks 🙂

Hi Rhett,

I used to have a Dac X connected, so maybe I could share some of my experience.

It does't make sense to me to daisy chain two dacs. The only reason I would connect the digital out of the dac x to the
digital in of the beresford is to use the beresford as a headamp. The resulting sound will not benefit from having two dacs. Having said that, if you keep it all digital it probably won't do much damage either. Just consider that the last Dac in the chain -the one that converts from digital to analogue- will determine the outcome. Short answer: just use the dac x. It will definately outclass the other dac and has plenty of outputs.

One final word of warning: make sure to demo the dac xp with your pc before you buy. (home demo if awkward) The dac x I used to use definately sounded better with a matching cyrus cd player. Maybe the new incarnation of cyrus dacs have changed this, bu I thought I warn you before you spend your hard earned.


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