insider9 said:
Nice looking room, they have lots of room to breathe.
Thank god for that, in the old house it was a struggle to tame those primary reflections... At the new house it’s a open space on the ground floor with about 80/90 sm.
Finally got the positioning right, and marked on the floor. The Boenicke W5 have a neutral sound, no colorations what so ever. Yeasterday had a little time to play around so got the X12 and the W5 head to head. What I discover was that the X12 had a bit of coloration on the sound stage and W5 were so neutral, not hadding anything. In some musics the Dyns create a “false depth” on the sound stage, didn’t heard it in the W5s playing the same music.
Sven Boenicke is on the right track, I think this speakers will stand on their on with pricier ones... But that’s just me...