Upgrade from Marantz/B&W


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi All

My set up is composed of a Marantz PM7001 (amp)/ SA7001 (CD/SACD), none of them KIs, plus B&W 685 speakers, and copper IC and speaker cables.

Sound is ok on the analytical side, but not favouring long listenings. Most listenings are at low/medium volumes (pop, blues, jazz), few times high volumes (pop, rock). Room is 3x3 meters.

I'm considering to replace progressively the 3 elements, thinking in a budget of 1,500 pounds per element, looking for more musicality without loosing detail (or maybe I'm looking for neutrality?).

Reading other posts, I assume the B&Ws are the first element to replace, however I would prefer to start by the amp - any ideas on the new candidates to look at? How much improvement shall I expect with this first replacement?

Cyrus and Naims are not an option here..

amp1248:Cyrus and Naims are not an option here..

Is this quote a reference to your home or your country of residence? If country of residence where are you?

Would you consider pre-owned?

1.5k per item, how about cabling?
Depends on where you want to go with this. The CDP is very good, and although not a KI model, isn't too far short of where the KI is by all accounts. Yes, it's on the detailed side, but you can get round this. I'd keep it for now as it really is excellent and delivers in spades with the right kit.

I also understand, although never having owned it, that the PM7001 is a bit handy, though this was this site's John Duncan speaking of the KI version - very dynamic. So I think you have two approaches here, at least:-

i) Change the speakers and try something with greater bass definition, or more effective definition
ii) Keep the speakers and get an amp with more heft - Leema's Pulse, Harman Kardon's HK990, but typically something that might drive the boxes better

and...there's another...

iii) try actives - at the amounts you're spending, active speakers become a serious proposition. You might need a pre-amp depending on how you go about this, but Genelec, AVI, Mackie, KRK and Dynaudio are but a handful of options (and then some).

Were it my money? Sell the amp and speakers, get a good DAC (Stello SA100 for example - £750 or so), Genelec 8040A actives and take it from there. Maybe a good pre-amp to do the honours, but there are a whole pile of quality pro-audio items that will do the job too.

And as for the cables, well, spend a wad by all means, but consider what's going in to the cable and what you're paying for when you buy it. My latest purchase is 10m of 322 strand copper speaker cable at a penny off £5.50 all in, including deliver and yes, it's absolutely fine. Give it a try, between that and my interconnect, we're talking change from £15 which is minimal risk compared to some of this stuff. IMO only of course and others will no doubt see it differently!
hmmm , £1500 per component ? nice , i know nothing about hifi , but ive read nothing but great things about spendor speakers , id be demoing the a5/a6s for sure , i dont think ive ever heard anyone on here say a bad word about them , thats rare around these parts
Based on the final point by the record spot above, and your budget of £1500 per source/amp/speakers, here's another option to consider and demo if you go down that route:

Source (£1260): Squeezebox Touch (£230), 1TB HDD (£60), LavryBlack DA-10 (£970)

Amp/Speakers (£2700): Klein + Hummel O 300

Add SPDIF and XLR cables from VDC and you're still about £500 under budget. Alternatively, stick with your (excellent) CDP as transport to save another £290 (although you won't be able to replay SACDs if used this way).

The SB Touch gives you access to Internet Radio, BBC Listen Again, Internet Streams (LastFM, Napster, Rhapsody...) and Hi-Res Downloads (upto 24bit/96kHz), as-well-as of course your own ripped CDs.

Just a thought. Happy hunting.
the record spot: i) Change the speakers and try something with greater bass definition, or more effective definitionii) Keep the speakers and get an amp with more heft - Leema's Pulse, Harman Kardon's HK990, but typically something that might drive the boxes better

Just my 2 cents, but as good as the 685s are for the money and as good as the bass is, I tend to find the bass is more quantity than quality, and although I drive mine with a more powerful amp than the pm7001 I'm still left wanting better bass definition. I'm not sure that more neutrality is what you are looking for as I find the 685s quite neutral, but then again I'm finding more and more that what I think of as neutral, others might regard as clinical and a little lean.
Try these brands, you need some warmth.

Unison Research



Audio Analogue



Works for me, I never want to switch off.
Watch this and try to get it for £1100-1200.


And these for £750


And the Unico CDE from here for £1400 or so.


Job done. Nice pair of speaker stands, you won't regret it.


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