Upgrade from CA 340A to CA 550A/650A


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all!

I am considering upgrade from Cambridge Audio 340A amp to 550A/650A, so I would like to here your opinion is this upgrade worthwhile?

My current setup is:

- Amp: CA 340A

- CDP: CA 340C (to be second step in my upgrade quest, or maybe replaced by DacMagic in combination with WD TV Live)

- HC: Yamaha RX-V765, fronts pre-outed to CA 340A

- Speakers: front CA S70, rear S30, center S50

Looking in the specs, it seems that main difference between 550A and 650A is power, however It might be maybe wise to go for 650A due to fact that I will use it as fronts amp in HC.

Thanks a lot for your input!


Well worthwhile IMO.

You will get better detail, definition and dynamic range as well as better channel balance.

In terms of the CD/DAC conundrum, I would recommend keeping the 340C (which is a perfectly good transport) and running it with a DAC Magic which you can then use for streaming as well.
I agree, the 550A and the 650A are superb amps for the price. You would definitely notice an improvement over the 340A.
I suggest hooking up the S70 speaks to the Yamaha directly, and getting better music speaks to make the most of the new amp. 🙂
Thank you all for your answers!

Actually, I do not plan to get rid of the S70s soon, because I recently bought them as a budget compromise for the HC. However, next step in near future would be to get something better at least for the fronts.

Do you have any suggestions, short list of speaks which would be worth to consider as a match for CA 550/650A? In the same time I would use them as a fronts for the HC together with remaining sorrund CAs.


Listen to the 650A with speakers from the Mordaunt Short Mezzo line. They match quite well. 🙂


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