upgrade a nait 3


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have a CD5 with a nait 3 and rega elas. I want to upgrade the amplifier and my goal is a naim pre/power set up with a flatcap and then an upgrade on my cd player before eventually changing the elas. Anyway, funds are limited and want to go one step at a time so I am thinking in the following order of...... 1 Change the nait 3 for a nait 5.( this will only cost a net of £200 or so and this model allows you to use a power amplifier with it at a later date) 2 Add a flatcap 2 to use with both the cd5 and the nait 5 3 Add a naim nap150 or 150x 4 Add a naim nac 112 or 122 and sell the nait 5 Then hopefully move up the cd ladder. Any better ideas would be appreciated By buying pre owned I can make each step for about £300 -£400
Nait 3 worth around £250 (if mint) and cd5 nearly double that.....sell them both (easy to sell...them) and don't bother mess around with pre/power just go for SuperNait which the build in DAC can be use effectively (very close preformance to CD 5X!)

and you wouldn't need any electronics upgrade for years to come
My understanding is that you can't add a power nor a seperate PSU to the latest Nait 5...it really is a tickler of Naim...
[quote user="clivee"]Not the new nait 5i but just the nait 5.[/quote]
Arhhh, fair play!


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