Nice thread!
After spending big time reading reviews, reading and reading user feedback, Panasonic was the way to go. I'm also looking in the 37" range, and truly uncertain in what to get. I've passed trought all, starting with 32" Sony's(V, W) ending in 37" Samsung's(5, 6 series)
37PX80 is without evidence the best bang for the buck. I haven't got this model yet since I want a more future proof set. Currently have a x360, but in time I'm getting some blu-ray player(PS3 maybe). Gaming, movies, tv are the major uses I give to a Tv.
Regarding games, I'm going to play at close distance, about 5/7 feet..this is the main issue I'm thinking on getting a 1080p tv. If I played a bit far away, at this time I guess I already had a PX80
To me, choosing the LZD800 could be a bad choice. I have a close window and don't know how the glossy screen would behave..On the other hand the LZD80 seems very good as it get's that limit price. I believe I'd take apart the LZD85 since from what I've been reading, everyone is turning off the 100hz function! Paying more like, 400? to a feature that "doesn't" do it's job, it's a bit odd.