TV Power Consumption


New member
Dec 12, 2009
Hi All, Doing the rounds for a new TV and was looking at the power use between LCD and Plasma. We all know that LCD uses less but on my calculation, comparing say the Sony 40EX703 (57 Watts when calibrated)and the Panasonic G20 (172 Watts when calibrated) and using a standard tariff electric rate (25p) I work out a yearly consumption of 4 hours a day for 365 days as £28 a year for the Sony and £63 a year for the Pana. I was expecting a bigger difference considering the way everyone keeps mentioning it. Am I missing something????? Thanks
Doubtful - there's just some people that really don't like plasma techology (for some unknown reason, I can't fathom how you can hold a grudge against a technology, but there you go), and this is one of their main arguments as it's about the only one of the plasma myths that actually holds water.

Of course the argument is it all adds up in your energy wastage and carbon footprint, but I suspect a lot of these people who choose LCD over plasma and quote energy usage as one of the reasons have no issues with driving a mile to the local shops or hopping on an aeroplane for their hols...
It's also worth noting that all the major TV manufacturers have done a lot of work recently re reducing the electricity consumption of their sets - of whatever technology.

Panasonic was one of the first to make a specific commitment to cut the 'green' impact of both its business as a whole and the products it manufactures (more here in our interview with the company's president in 2008). As a result, its latest plasmas are way more energy efficient than flatscreens from some years back.

And, of course, some would argue plasmas are best enjoyed in a darker room - so turn the lights down/off and save the difference in electricity that way

Doubtful - there's just some people that really don't like plasma techology (for some unknown reason, I can't fathom how you can hold a grudge against a technology, but there you go), and this is one of their main arguments as it's about the only one of the plasma myths that actually holds water.

Of course the argument is it all adds up in your energy wastage and carbon footprint, but I suspect a lot of these people who choose LCD over plasma and quote energy usage as one of the reasons have no issues with driving a mile to the local shops or hopping on an aeroplane for their hols...

As I own a plasma, have not flown for pleasure for 7 years and ride my bike to the local shops, I have to agree with you. If there was an LCD tv to compete with my Kuro when I bought it then I would have, but there wasn't. For the vast majoirty of people, the difference between plasma and LCD is a tiny part of their footprint

Doubtful - there's just some people that really don't like plasma techology (for some unknown reason, I can't fathom how you can hold a grudge against a technology, but there you go), and this is one of their main arguments as it's about the only one of the plasma myths that actually holds water.

Of course the argument is it all adds up in your energy wastage and carbon footprint, but I suspect a lot of these people who choose LCD over plasma and quote energy usage as one of the reasons have no issues with driving a mile to the local shops or hopping on an aeroplane for their hols...

Great post Prof!

Many people do not realise how the different power consumptions really affect the bill in the end. These new LED sets are often so utterly expensive that it will take you more than 10 years to get a return of your investment compared to buying a similar plasma screen.

You can always take the environmental approach. That is very noble, but as already mentioned there are more relevant areas to put this focus. The people refusing to buy plasma (for this reason) should in principle also buy the receiver with the lowest power rating!

Personally I do not own a car and bike to and from work. I therefore refuse to feel remorse enjoying my plasma TV.
I wouldn't worry to much about power consumption as Claire as stated Panasonic where one of the first to act in reducing power consumption. I would just choose the tv you prefer and save power other ways, like turning off lights and electrical equipment by mains switch at night and don't leave your pc running all day this uses the most if' it's like mine a 1kw pc is the same as an electric fire and will really increase your bills.
Rather brilliantly, in these eco times, the new LG screens can't even be turned off! Well technically they can but you need to pull the plug or put them on standby, which I'm told consumes less than one watt per hour but still...

At the end of the day you soon realise how insignificant our contribution to global warming (if you're on the side that believes in all that) is after spending a few minutes in the US/Russia/China... I wouldn't worry too much about your carbon footprint - every little helps and all that but in the UK we're putting out a tiny fraction of what the big world players are. Supermarkets not dishing out plastic bags is just a PITA rather than a real contribution to anything!
AEJim:At the end of the day you soon realise how insignificant our contribution to global warming (if you're on the side that believes in all that) is

Yes but then at the end of the day we have loads of lights on, are maybe cooking dinner, and the TV or hi-fi is in use, and so we're consuming lots of energy...
Andrew Everard:
AEJim:At the end of the day you soon realise how insignificant our contribution to global warming (if you're on the side that believes in all that) is

Yes but then at the end of the day we have loads of lights on, are maybe cooking dinner, and the TV or hi-fi is in use, and so we're consuming lots of energy...

Yup, and if you're doing all that at once you feel it in the wallet! - which is probably a far better point to push for governments than the Eco crusade!

I am always amazed by all the ancient V8 petrol lorries everywhere in Moscow, or the endless armies of 4x4's in the US - makes me not worry as much about my upgrade from my little Fiat Panda 100hp to a big German lump last year, at least not in terms of pollution, more in the £75+ to fill up


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