

New member
Aug 10, 2019
I'm wanting to upgrade my CA300 dab tuner as it's not particulary tuneful (too bassy by far!), it doesn't have FM and no remote , but theres not much of a choice that have been reviewed here. We listen to a lot of radio in our house, mainly Radio 2 and Classic FM.

I'm considering ths CA Azur 650T and wonder if anyone here have any views on it. Thanks
A mint Denon TU260L MkII will cost you about £20 - £30 on ebay.

Both of your preferred stations will be on FM for at least a few years to come.

Any stations that are not available on FM (BBC R7 & R6 for instance) will sound far better from Freeview than DAB.

Just swing an RCA cable over from your Freeview source to a spare input on your amp. (Or - even better - connect digitally into your DAC if you have one.)

Just swing an RCA cable over from your Freeview source to a spare input on your amp. (Or - even better - connect digitally into your DAC if you have one.)

I'd love to, but my hi-fi is in a different room to the virgin box!
MartSmith:chebby:Just swing an RCA cable over from your Freeview source to a spare input on your amp. (Or - even better - connect digitally into your DAC if you have one.)

I'd love to, but my hi-fi is in a different room to the virgin box!

That's unfortunate. I think Classic FM has quite an impressive bitrate via Virgin.

Anyway, in the meantime, if you only listen to R2 and Classic FM then a good tuner like the Denon TU260L MkII will give you excellent sound* for the next few years and you will only have lost £20 - £30 when FM closes eventually.

Don't waste money on DAB unless you have absolutely no other choice.

*Assuming you have a decent FM roof aerial of course.
Thanks Chebby. There is one on the 'bay for £20 +pp that I think I'll get!
I had the Denon until recently (got rid as currently short on shelf space). Can't go wrong for £15-30.
+1 for the Denon TU260L. (Alas, mine's boxed-up in the loft cos I live in an isolated rural area that has very poor FM reception
matthewpiano:Denon TU-1800DAB. The best tuner available at anything like affordable prices and, I believe, discontinued now so there should be some good deals about.

Discontinued! Brilliant!!! Now I can say it's old...
Mr Morph:matthewpiano:Denon TU-1800DAB. The best tuner available at anything like affordable prices and, I believe, discontinued now so there should be some good deals about.

Discontinued! Brilliant!!! Now I can say it's old...

Discontinued in silver finish.

Still on sale everywhere in black.


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