Trouble shooting a noise problem


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Getting significant noise in front speakers when using Nait xs av input as part of a system with Denon 2309 pre outs 2 rca to 5 pin din.

Getting lovely Stereo out of Naim cd 5x / flatcap 2x/ Nait xs and Spendors as fronts - it works a treat- no noise . But when attempting surround sound 5.1 get nothing from fronts but noise. Rears are 685's and lovely - were part of old system when fronts.

Am I missing something obvious - I have engaged the unity gain switch on the XS but haven't calibrated the new set up via audyssey - but that's not going to stop the noise is it ?

Thoughts/ ideas please

Probably best to look at the Naim site and see what they say...............


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