Has anyone purchased or viewed a Toshiba Regza 46V555D , as I am looking to buy my first flat screen TV and I have read that the Tosh is very good for standard definition viewing . Does What Hi Fi intend to review this TV ?
If you type Toshiba into the search box you will find 20 matches for TV's alone! Try the other brands you mention and see how many results you get! At least do some research before you fault them. I guess these TV's are mentioned most as they perform (in WHF's esteemed view) the best.
Now, you were saying....
Sorry about the original post. I cannot help you on that front.
(Whistles - lets all look on the bright side of life...)
I guess I'm a bit out of my depth here , one of the reasons for my asking the question is that Sony is not the best selling TV manufacturer in Japan so there must be some reason why the Japanese by other brands . As for myself I just want a large screen TV to replace my Loewa 32in and I mainly watch standard def and there are many concerns expressed about Sonys so I guess I am a bit frightened about buying one .
Unfortunately due to ill health it is difficult for me to view TVs , hence the need to rely a lot on the reviews I can read to gain an impression as to their quality . But thanks to all for their views .