To What Hi-Fi team ... please!?!?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Are you doing a further Hi-End Guide like the one from September 08?

I had a couple of queries on the content of that mag ....... such as the omission of certain brands such as Ayre, Sonus Faber, Esoteric [Not just 'cos I have some, but as they are well reviewed in the high-end category and I thought they would deserve a mention].

One other point - Your award to the best price no-object power cable was the Russ Andrews Signature ...... but they do higher priced versions up to the Silver Signature at over £3k - so I thought this was more of a 'cost no object' version ..... unless you are suggesting it's actually not as good as the Copper one, so didn't win on performance terms........?

Just wondering!!??!

I know you are asking the team but my 2 pence worth....

FWIW, I thought pretty much the same but then I put myself in magazine's shoes!

No magazine can cover all of Hifi equipments released... impossible!. To mention all the highend brands to please all readers would properbly mean Hi-end guide will have to be sale in 1TB hard drive full with PDF files not to mention the lost of millions of £ buying reviews products!

If WHF would include the brands you have mentioned then someone else will come along and ask for Avalon Acoustic, Accuphase and Mcintosh! I said, Impossible
Well I see in the latest issue that there is a HI-End guide out now it seems - so let' see if the range of brands has been stretched!?!?