In the supplement with this months WHF, there's a list of items towards the back to help get the best out of your system. One of them is a pair of THX Blue Filter Optimiser glasses, to be used in conjunction with a THX test disc (the article recommends the Terminator 2 (Skynet Edition) bluray, which I've duly ordered!) and states they can be obtained for £5 from thx.com. Can someone clarify this please?!?! I've just been onto the THX site and popped a pair into my basket. When I got to the checkout, the glasses were listed as $1.99 but International P&P cost $78!!!!!!! As useful as these glasses may be, $80 is a bit on the steep side?! Therefore, can you tell me where you got the price from for these please as I'd really like to get a pair ordered but so far haven't been able to find them anywhere else!
In the supplement with this months WHF, there's a list of items towards the back to help get the best out of your system. One of them is a pair of THX Blue Filter Optimiser glasses, to be used in conjunction with a THX test disc (the article recommends the Terminator 2 (Skynet Edition) bluray, which I've duly ordered!) and states they can be obtained for £5 from thx.com. Can someone clarify this please?!?! I've just been onto the THX site and popped a pair into my basket. When I got to the checkout, the glasses were listed as $1.99 but International P&P cost $78!!!!!!! As useful as these glasses may be, $80 is a bit on the steep side?! Therefore, can you tell me where you got the price from for these please as I'd really like to get a pair ordered but so far haven't been able to find them anywhere else!