thorougly depressing house move


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Well, I've had a career change which has seen my job move back to Birmingham....which is great (not least because my username is now accurate again). But on the downside, moving house from a lovely large place in n'hampton to a much smaller place in Brum means that my lovely Helicons are now half the size of the living room....and the A1008 box takes up the other half. I'm going to have to downsize. Bah.... just when I was totally happy with my system too. The ADM9.1s are still required for bedroom duties.

I'm thinking of getting a second hand set of MF X-series components to match with a pair of Audiosmile Kensais. Should be able to do this with no extra cost I should think.

Any other ideas for a fully featured system with limited footprint (would like something I've not tried before so Cyrus and Bel Canto are not to be added to the A-list for now) would be greatfully received. The room is about 12ft x 14 ft
I did have a think about that, but it's not really the vertical space that's at a premium, it's the footprint. The naimuniti is a full sized box isn't it? If i were to get a full sized box from Naim I'd probably be checking out the XS range.... But i'm not going to in case I listen to it and want it. as then i'll have defeated the objective i set out to achieve!


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