plastic penguin said:
MikeToll said:
The trouble is PP that I do not have a wide knowledge of amps so it is hard to say. That plus the fact that it was used with different speakers to what my more modern amp is connected to. The original set up was the Pioneer feeding into Roger Studio 1 speakers which sounded warmer than my present set up of a second hand Leema Pulse into Spendor A 6's. The Leema/Spendor is tauter with more control of the base than the Pioneer/Rogers but the Pioneer/Rogers kept me happy for many years. The Pioneer has bags of effortless power.
Didn't realise you had a Pulse. So in a nutshell the Pioneer doesen't have the all-round game of the Leema/Spendor combo but is more rewarding in terms of music pleasure. Is that right?
They are different rather than one better than the other. Sorry I can't be more specific but it does rather depend on what you like. It is not easy for me to swap them over for a comparison the way things are set up it is more a case of remembering my thoughts when I originally changed thinks over.
The Pioneer was originally swapped out when it "died" so I had an attack of upgradeitis so bought the Leema which I also rate very highly then after some time I found a guy who would fix the Pioneer along with some other "dead" stuff I have for very little. It was the capacitors that had gone in the Pioneer and they were replaced. I checked it all worked but left the Leema in situ with a Stream CD player I bought at the same time as the Pulse. I rather liked having the remote control to be honest so I could swap between sources etc without getting up, for instance swapping the input to the telly or to the tuner.