oh ill be bi-amping alright daveh
, god this hifi bug is gripping me , listening to paul weller , broken stones , the neighbours are away , just sounds lovely
aye pp ill surely get a cd192 at some stage too
.. what harm , ive spent my money on far worse things , things that arent there when you wake up
but then sleeping with your speakers isn't right, let alone fun, no matter what your view of the world.
Max, I'm going to propose a different course, one that involves forgetting about spending money and upgrades. If you do have to do it, wait until you can make a huge leap, not a small one with someone elses cast offs from yesteryear. Now, if you hadn't a perfectly good system and need to get something, then I'd join the chorus of suggestion makers, but I just wonder if you are changing just for changes sake; though I do understand it's your money and your choice as to what to do with it, but I'm not sure you are going to be satisfied in the long term, and you will certainly be poorer. Either that or think much bigger and just go for broke, and spend a couple of K's or so now.