The World Premiere...

John Duncan

Well-known member
...of Waxed's Difficult Third Album...

Now I'm Here (5MB mp3)
You Are All I Have (5MB mp3)
Any Way You Want It (3MB mp3)


Love the guitar on Now I'm Here...

[edit] yeah, I like. The balance seems right with the vocals and instruments, on my laptop at least.

[edit2] acknowledging the Cyrus remark of course...goes with my slightly acidic wine...

John Duncan

Well-known member
fast eddie:just downloading these now. will report back full of praise

(still holding breath

If anybody wants the 24/48 WAVs to see if they can tell the difference in blind testing, do let me know

John Duncan

Well-known member
Cheers. If I'm honest, I think Any Way You Want It is a bit of a car crash vocally, was kind of hoping the producer (the genius and lovely Jessica Corcoran at Gravity Shack in Tooting) would have a harmonizer lying around somewhere but no, so our attempts at 'wall of sound' harmonies took forever (while the producer patiently rolled her eyes) and in the end we kind of had to give up...


Well-known member
Just listened via MF and Grado and it sounded excellent, no really. I hope that this was the intention, but I like an open, honest (warts and all) raw sound of a band playing together and in one take, so you get to hear them as if live. If that is not how it was intended, well just lie!

John Duncan

Well-known member
But generalising - yeah, it's done live. All four of us are in the same room, play the track live with a guide vocal, then do the vocals properly and add any double tracking and redo the solos. Any Way You Want It was two takes instrumentally, Now I'm Here was one (bit of a panic when the Mac crashed when we went in to hear it, but the recording was rescued and we went "yup we could play that all day and not get it any better"), You're All That I have was one apart from me, because my guitar was out of tune so I had to do it again.

The guitar solos were all re-recorded - mine (the first one) on Any Way You Want It is the best first and second halves spliced from four attempts - and there's double-tracking to thicken up Now I'm Here. You're All That I Have was reasonably straight apart from the aforementioned retake and some added jangly guitar.

Vocally was a different story - Now I'm Here was pretty much the first take, apart from the echoed bits, which I had to do a few times to make sure they were as good as they could get 'cos you hear them echoed. The other two were ripped apart line by line, basically
. The backing vocals were a bit traumatic as well, as you can maybe tell......

But yeah, pretty pleased with them, apart from the vocals on Any Way You Want It, which basically I'd go back and do all over again if I could (having bought a harmoniser....)