The WHF Film Club

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richardw42 said:
Ok. Do we need to watch this by the end of May ?

I think the end of June would be a more realistic target, but I'm willing to go with the consensus.
I think the end of June would be a more realistic target, but I'm willing to go with the consensus.

I think BBB and David have still got to watch this months film, so June is a better target for this new film which is the next in line.
I haven't watched it yet, but I do have the DVD (thanks to Richard), so I'll try and watch it before the end of the week.
I'm struggling to find any time to watch the film, as I'm a little pre-occupied with finding work and sourcing music for a radio show I'm going to be doing, so do feel free to start discussing 'Nous Trois Ou Rien', and I'll do my best to avoid any possible spoilers.

I have considered pulling out of the film club completely, but I'm hopeful after the end of July I'll have a bit more time, so I'll do my best to watch the films and contribute as much as possible until then.
I'm struggling to find any time to watch the film, as I'm a little pre-occupied with finding work and sourcing music for a radio show I'm going to be doing, so do feel free to start discussing 'Nous Trois Ou Rien', and I'll do my best to avoid any possible spoilers.

I have considered pulling out of the film club completely, but I'm hopeful after the end of July I'll have a bit more time, so I'll do my best to watch the films and contribute as much as possible until then.

Ok I will start the discussion tomorrow or more likely Thursday.

Take your time to get back to normal - I imagine you will have more time, once you get into a weekly routine with your show. *pleasantry*
Sorry for the delay, but I will try and start the discussion now.

I originally planned to watch this film at my local cinema, but forgot to, so I gave it a second chance as a film club nomination. What was the original attraction? Hard to put into words, but something in my subconcious was telling me that this might be a more lighthearted film, than many of the films we watch within the club.

I was slightly concerned during the first portion of the film, containing the violence within the prison, that 'here we go again' was happening, but my feelings had brightened up by the end of the film, and I am pleased that this film was selected.

It is easy to dismiss this film as just a dose of two lovers meet, and after a few trials and tribulations, they live happilly ever after.

But that misses completely the deeper messages within the film.

The film is 'of it's time', in that currently we are experiencing in many european countries (plus portions of the US electorate), large upswellings of xenophobia aimed especially at african and middle eastern migrants and refugees. I suspect that one of the producers intentions was to highlight that not all refugees are bad - if you welcome them, many are hard workers, and they can be a source of new ideas, and a positive force for good. It came as a shock at the end of the film, to discover that the film was based on real people and events - but this does give a positive aspect to the film. It is not political propaganda, based solely on fictitious characters and events.

Having said that, I have the nagging doubt that we are presented with a sanitised version of the characters lives. Hibat and his Iranian friends must have been involved in serious political subversion, to have been hated/hunted/imprisonned by both the political axes in Iran (the Shah, and then the Ayatollah). However i have not allowed this doubt th spoil my enjoyment of the film.
I still haven't found time to watch the film, but it would be good if either Richard or David could add something to what Mike has said.

As I said before, I'm busy with "stuff" at the moment, but I'm hopeful I'll be able to contribute a bit more after the end of July, but If we've all lost interest in the film club (which seems to be the case), then we might as well pack it up.

Thanks for sending the DVD, Richard; hopefully I can watch it this week, but I'll post it back to you this weekend, whether I have or haven't.
I'm going to have to watch The Stoning Of Soraya M this week. I've had the disc from LoveFilm since the beginning of the month, and I don't want to hold onto it any longer as its reducing the amount of films I'm getting from them (I can have two at a time).

Mike gave his views on the last film, but not one of us responded, or added anything. It's pointless to keep watching the films, and not discuss them at all.
I don't think I can add much to what Mike has already said really, particularly as his doe th of knowledge regarding films is better than mine. I wasn't overly looking forward to watching it based on the cover - I prefer not to know what a film is about when I watch it to avoid any preconceived ideas or expectations. I'm glad it was chosen though.

As well as a very interesting story, it unexpectedly had a decent amount of humour too, particularly with regards to the main brother portrayed in the film, adding to the enjoyment.

Like Mike, I didn't know it was based on a true story. I know "based" is a loose term with most films, and there's always a bit of embellishing for the watching audience, but the phrase usually makes me see any film in a different light. Fiction is just that, it has been conjured up to entertain you, but when a film presents situations to me that feel or seem like fiction, and then I find out they're actually true, it makes it all the more enjoyable.

I do want to see it again, as I initially got a little mixed up with the brothers names and who was who, and there's bound to be bits here and there I missed (always is with subtitles movies).

It was nice to see individuals spending most of their time helping out others and their community, regardless. I liked how his spell in prison changed him - when he saw the thugs for the first time and you knew no one wanted to get involved with them, and despite being a little skinny dude, he walked straight over to them and confronted them with no fear - he'd already been through hell, so a few thugs were nothing to him.

Anybody who likes world cinema should definitely give this a watch.
expat_mike said:
I was hoping that Richard or David would have posted something - so I think they should let us know if they have lost interest in the club.

sorry. I was hoping to rewatch it before posting.

I really enjoyed the film, it was dealing with a lot in a relativity short film. Even in these frightening serious situations the French seem to see the humour in it. They really are good at this

In many ways life under the Shah and then the revolution was ridiculous but it also conveyed the tough times they went through during their escape and subsequent exile including their friends.

It's been over a month since I watched it but I'll definitely be watching it again when it a comes back. If I have anything more to add I'll post on it again.

I'll be watching SORAYA M this week.
richardw42 said:
sorry. I was hoping to rewatch it before posting.

That's my fault, sorry. I still haven't watched it, but I want to, and I know I said I'd post it back to you this weekend, but I haven't. *blush*

My wife is returning to Japan for 6 months from the end of July, and I'm going to miss her like mad, so I've found myself giving in to her a lot of the time, which has included her wish to watch The X Files every night for the last few months, so with that, the football, and the search for new music to play on my radio show, I just haven't had time for films.

I am going to watch it on Tuesday evening.
I'm assuming as nobody has made any noises on last months film or made any suggestions for the July film, then the FC is finished
I have yet to watch it, but i will make an effort this week.

I nominated last months film, so it is someone elses turn to nominate the next one.
Must be David then.

I still intend to make further comment on the previous film. I know BBB is very busy at the moment, hopefully he can catch up and then I can rewatch when the DVD comes back.
As much as any film I've watched recently, I almost had a feeling of desperation watching this film, it was one of those films where you hoped the title wasn't literal.

I was surprised just how detailed and lengthy the stoning sequence was. It was heartbreaking watching her father and sons throw the rocks. Sorayas husband, Ali, seemed a bit like a cartoon villain it was ultimately all for nothing but you couldn't feel any satisfaction that he didn't get what he wanted

Im not sure I can offer anything analytical about the film, I genuinely felt quite angry witnessing it one of the most upsetting films I've seen in a while but I'd recommend anybody give it a go
I agree Richard. I don't particularly want to say anything about the film (as good as it was) as we are in the realms of insulting religions, whether they're right or wrong in what they do.
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