I know there is a small but resilient group of us on here who are enthusiasts of older HiFi equipment, even are still using older HiFi equipment, even though manufacturers of new equipment would probably wish we didn’t. There have been a few individual threads about older equipment and obsolete formats, so I thought ‘why not pull it all together in one place?’
So if you own, use, or otherwise have something enthusiastic to say about older HiFi (let’s have 1999 as a sensible cut-off), this thread is for you. You and your 80s and 90s CD players. You and your cassette decks, open reel recorders, DCCs, MDs and Elcasets (anyone got one of those??). You and your Garrard 401s, EMTs and GL75 turntables. You and your BBC LS3/5A, DC15 and Celestion SL6 speakers. You and your classic valve amps and big Japanese over-engineered integrateds built like proverbial outside WCs with illuminated VU meters and fluorescent bar-scales. Or even you and your 3020-series NADs and minimalistic early Quad and Mission-Cyrus shoeboxes. Not to forget you and your multitude of classic FM tuners.
Though of course it doesn’t have to be ‘cult kit’. This thread is about capturing discussions about any kit made last century which can be remotely deemed to be HiFi-related. So that’s a pretty wide net.
Tell us about the kit you have, the kit you had, the kit you wish you owned, or wish you still owned. Tell us your thrills and your traumas, your unexpected successes and your doomed-from-the-start failures.
The only thing I specifically bring your attention to is one certain key word in the title of this thread: "enthusiasts". If you really have nothing enthusiastic to post because you think obsolete HiFi sucks, I’d prefer you just moved on, because this is not the thread for you.