Not really, but 3D TV's can convert 2D to 3D so why can't the more powerful PS3? Maybe it can. I haven't got 3D, so can't even test. Can it do this? Could it in the future?
Not at the moment FM. It's a function of the display device, as you've stated (and even then, not all 3D TVs offer the feature).
From what I've seen, I'm not sold on the quality of the end result in any event, although it tends to be 'better' (or 'less bad') with films originally shot in/made for 3D. Avatar 2D-to-3D works, after a fashion. Saving Private Ryan.bleurrgh. Or at least that's what I felt.
Last night, I was waiting to fire up Clash of the Titans in 3d and the other half was watching Eastenders, so I turned on 3D and couldn't believe how good a job it did with that! Eastenders in 3d!
, didn't make the acting any better though!
However, as Andy states, it's not always a good result.