the fabulous four - which one would you choose


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Aug 10, 2019
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Okei´m about to get myself some speakers for my Marantz in about amonth. And before I go out and just do it I really would like to hearabout some serious opinions of you audio-heads.

Thefollowing list is the list of speakers that I can audition and arealso the speakers that I can place on my wall brackets as I planned.

TannoyF1 @ 100 Euro each (£88)

KEFiQ 10 @ 180 Euro each (£159)

B&W686 @ 225 Euro each (£200)

MordauntShort Mezzo 1 @ 245 Euro each (£217)

Iam going to use these speakers for music and want to add some morelater for home cinema usage. Currently I have some really cheapspeakers that where actually leftovers from some old stereo sets. Budas I just started my hifi journey and finished my school a year ago,I now can provide myself some nice stuff now I´m earning some money.

Iuse to own some Tannoy mx1 speakers that I really liked back then. SoI can see why the F1 are getting some nice reviews. The are reallycheap, as are the Tannoy FR speakers and the Center.

TheKef´s I haven´t heard yet, but I did audition the IQ30´s. And Imust say that I really like those speakers when I listened to someJamie Collum. Nice low frequencies and real nice and rich voice. Ialso listened to the Monitor Audio BR2 speakers for the second timebut I must say that I found them a little boring. But the Kefs Ireally like so I hope the IQ 10 are similar because the size of theIQ30s is an issue for me.

Ilike the B&W 685 also but those are pretty deep in size alsowhich is a problem. So I opted for the 686. I heard them also andfound them pretty nice with some nice bass (maybe a little to much).I´ve red some good reviews about them from HiFi World a Germanmagazine. Though What Hifi did not really like them that much.

Thenthere are the Mezzos that look really nice and I´ve red 4 differentreviews about them al say they are pretty good. But I never heardthem myself.

Ireally would like some opinions about my choises from you all. Whatwould you do if you were to choose from this list? And why?




I havent seen the Dali speaker yet I have seen de Dali Lektor 1 which did really wel in de What Hifi tests. I have listened to them and I found that they haven't got the bass that I was looking for. This was also said in the review.

The bigger brother of the Lektor 1 is not yet in the stores here.

Thanks for the reply



This weekend I've been auditioning some speakers in adition. So my list has changed a little.
It was,

TannoyF1 @ 100 Euro each (£88)

KEFiQ 10 @ 180 Euro each (£159)

B&W686 @ 225 Euro each (£200)

MordauntShort Mezzo 1 @ 245 Euro each (£217)

and now it changed into:

TannoyF1 @ 100 Euro each (£88)

B&W686 @ 225 Euro each (£200)

Monitor Audio BR2 @ 175 Euro each (£155)

Monitor Audio RS1 @ 275 Euro each (£244)

So now it's up to me and make a decision.

The Tannoy F1 Serie is really tempting because of it's vallue, but it
isn't really fair to compare it to the other speakers in the list.

I really have to come back on my comment that the BR2 's are boring, cause with my second audition I really start to like 'em.

So which one would you guys choose?


I like the B&W 686 speakers even for front speakers, I do doubt if they would be good enough for stereo music playing as you would be more focused on pure sound. I have noticed they mis a little in terms of dynamics. They also lack a little in de mids. Sounds like I dislike ïem but I do enjoy the nice top end and the bass output of the little cabinets.I think they would be nice in a home cinema situation.


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Feb 19, 2009
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i was looking at bookshelf speakers and i found the 686's bass was a little over the top but i think as rears they would be ace.

The RS1's i thought were unreal so good and they were through nad mini system but are £350

try the mezzo2's if you can spare £280 cash and have the room as they are 352mm high i seem to remember you would be happy i played king of leon and duffy and they impressed me.


I also think the RS1 sounds good.
I would really like to hear the mezzo 2ïs but if havenït found a store nearby that sellïs ïem. Maybe I am gonna save some more money and go for for an amazing speaker. I heard the Elac BS 204 A ïs and I didnït even ment to. I was doing an audition en was switching my way through my selection in this audio store. Then I hit the "wrong" button and I was stunned! This speaker sounded so good. Then I continued with the intended selection, but didnït really like the speakers a lot anymore. Those Elac speakers sound superb.


Oke Itïs me again,
This time I have no question anymore. I Have done some auditioning an am really pleased with my choise. I am going for the Quad 12L2 speakers witch I will kost me 250 Euro >230 Pounds. I will be getting them this week if everything is going according to plan. Canït wait!
They sound really good with my Marrantz amp. I Comparred the Quads to all the speakers I really liked. It sound brilliant I think, and the best thing is that the price lower to 250 Euro as apose to 375, Cool!ÿ


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