Okei´m about to get myself some speakers for my Marantz in about amonth. And before I go out and just do it I really would like to hearabout some serious opinions of you audio-heads.
Thefollowing list is the list of speakers that I can audition and arealso the speakers that I can place on my wall brackets as I planned.
TannoyF1 @ 100 Euro each (£88)
KEFiQ 10 @ 180 Euro each (£159)
B&W686 @ 225 Euro each (£200)
MordauntShort Mezzo 1 @ 245 Euro each (£217)
Iam going to use these speakers for music and want to add some morelater for home cinema usage. Currently I have some really cheapspeakers that where actually leftovers from some old stereo sets. Budas I just started my hifi journey and finished my school a year ago,I now can provide myself some nice stuff now I´m earning some money.
Iuse to own some Tannoy mx1 speakers that I really liked back then. SoI can see why the F1 are getting some nice reviews. The are reallycheap, as are the Tannoy FR speakers and the Center.
TheKef´s I haven´t heard yet, but I did audition the IQ30´s. And Imust say that I really like those speakers when I listened to someJamie Collum. Nice low frequencies and real nice and rich voice. Ialso listened to the Monitor Audio BR2 speakers for the second timebut I must say that I found them a little boring. But the Kefs Ireally like so I hope the IQ 10 are similar because the size of theIQ30s is an issue for me.
Ilike the B&W 685 also but those are pretty deep in size alsowhich is a problem. So I opted for the 686. I heard them also andfound them pretty nice with some nice bass (maybe a little to much).I´ve red some good reviews about them from HiFi World a Germanmagazine. Though What Hifi did not really like them that much.
Thenthere are the Mezzos that look really nice and I´ve red 4 differentreviews about them al say they are pretty good. But I never heardthem myself.
Ireally would like some opinions about my choises from you all. Whatwould you do if you were to choose from this list? And why?
Thefollowing list is the list of speakers that I can audition and arealso the speakers that I can place on my wall brackets as I planned.
TannoyF1 @ 100 Euro each (£88)
KEFiQ 10 @ 180 Euro each (£159)
B&W686 @ 225 Euro each (£200)
MordauntShort Mezzo 1 @ 245 Euro each (£217)
Iam going to use these speakers for music and want to add some morelater for home cinema usage. Currently I have some really cheapspeakers that where actually leftovers from some old stereo sets. Budas I just started my hifi journey and finished my school a year ago,I now can provide myself some nice stuff now I´m earning some money.
Iuse to own some Tannoy mx1 speakers that I really liked back then. SoI can see why the F1 are getting some nice reviews. The are reallycheap, as are the Tannoy FR speakers and the Center.
TheKef´s I haven´t heard yet, but I did audition the IQ30´s. And Imust say that I really like those speakers when I listened to someJamie Collum. Nice low frequencies and real nice and rich voice. Ialso listened to the Monitor Audio BR2 speakers for the second timebut I must say that I found them a little boring. But the Kefs Ireally like so I hope the IQ 10 are similar because the size of theIQ30s is an issue for me.
Ilike the B&W 685 also but those are pretty deep in size alsowhich is a problem. So I opted for the 686. I heard them also andfound them pretty nice with some nice bass (maybe a little to much).I´ve red some good reviews about them from HiFi World a Germanmagazine. Though What Hifi did not really like them that much.
Thenthere are the Mezzos that look really nice and I´ve red 4 differentreviews about them al say they are pretty good. But I never heardthem myself.
Ireally would like some opinions about my choises from you all. Whatwould you do if you were to choose from this list? And why?