the downgrading minefield


New member
Jul 13, 2008

I currently own a pair of B&W 683 speakers in my front room.

After many months of denial I have to concede that they are too big for my room and can be likened to using a formula 1 car for a trip to the shops.

I am using a rotel ra-1062 as an amp and a pioneer pd-d6 as a cd player, these i have no grumble with.

The size of my front room is 13ft wide by 10ft deep with a distance of 9ft from the speakers to be listening position, they also have to located quite near to the side walls due to space considerations.

I am looking at down grading these speakers to something a bit more suitable to the size of my room. i would like to avoid standmounters, as i dont like the look of them and can find them a bit lacking in bass.

If anyone can put some ideas in the hat that would be great, as i am not sure which route to go down.


I can and will recommend the EB acoustics EB1 Standmounter. I really can't see how you'd want more bass... I've been annoying the neighbours today with Sub Focus. They are small and discreet but have a big big sound.

I've had them about a month and for a comparison I put the old B&W 110s back on and had a listen. The B&Ws are huge standmounters... 3 times the size of the EBs. They are nowhere near as bassy, and the difference in clarity was staggering. The EBs are so natural and fluid that after years of the very coloured B&Ws they sounded thin. Soon got used to that and now I enjoy listening to stuff I passed by on many occasion. Best £470 I've spent in years (well..since the Squeezebox Duet)
Small floorstanders ......

Look at some of the Totem models, or Amphion perhaps ........ depending on your budget of course.....
that's a fairly small room. if you can get over the visual aspect i'd be seriously thinking standmounters. imo, you get a better speaker for the same money, although you'd have to buy stands. is it just that your speakers are too big visually or are they overpowering the room with bass? whichever direction you take try to get a home demo to make sure they sound good in your own room and give yourself a bit of time to get used to the change in sound, i think the speaker/room interaction is crucial.
You are having bass resonance issues, I presume? Those 683's are known for having huge bass, and the placement of the speakers probably don't help either.

Have you tried the foams to block the tuning ports? I think they come with the speakers, and they should be able to calm them down.

Unless you just don't like the sound and want to try different speakers, which is often the case with many of us.
For me the B&W 685 would do it nicely! What about downgrading to the 684, a slightly smaller version of what you have now? I like the idea of the Q Acoustics recommendation but I've never heard them so can't comment!
i have placed my bungs in, and will try to forget abou them, as i have an annoying habit of listening for the bungs

a few years ago, i was demoing some speakers and i listen to some MA rs6's through a entry elvel marantz amp.

I thought they sounded good and tight, does anyone know how much space they need between then and the adjacent wall, and if the new rx6's are any good.

I have to limit my choice of speakers to whatever the local sevenoaks hifi is knocking out, so some of the more exotic speakers might be a no go.
If you don't mind used speakers, Mission 752s, £100 or less for a pair in excellent condition. New, the Q Acoustics 1030i (they are substantial, but not too big), Wharfedale Diamond 10.3, KEF IQ5, slim and good sounding. Don't underestimate the Qs, you'll pick a pair up new for about £140 and they're fine for thrice that.
I know you don't like standmounters, but you should really reconsider. A pair of Dynaudio Focus 110s have super bass and would be perfect for that small space. Other options with good bass would be MA RX2 or Dyn Excite X16.

If you definately don't want standmounts, then I'd recommend Dynaudio Excite X32s. More controlled bass than the B&Ws and they have a very elegant slim profile.


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