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shooter69: cse isn't giving much away apart from the fact they are boomy in his room and trying different positioning.

Like the title of this thread and the mentioning he just doesn't like them after 5odd weeks? Agree, not much to go with ...

How about the aforementioned running in time, 200hrs is fare amount of hours even in 5 weeks.

Partnering kit at the demo hasn't been mentioned, if cse used his Roksan that has been mention then its an acoustic problem.

If everything was done correctly and this is the reason he hasn't responded to tech issues then fair enough but more info would be a help to try and get to the crux of it.
I believe that the speakers have had enough running in time, as the longer I have them the more I realise that they are not right for me. I think the biggest problem is the room - this is what is causing the excessive boom. The lack of outright clarity and detail is probably a charateristic of the speakers and to a lesser extent the amp combination (Roksan caspian MK1). Overall, the sound is just too weighty, with not enough subtlety, although smooth. By the way, the BW's, were not overtly bright as prevously mentioned, but also quite weighty with good base for a standmount, but a little 'closed-in' sounding and not detailed or sweet sounding.
Your going to get so much more bottom end with the Neats in the room.

Just out of interest have you pulled them right out away from the wall and listened?

I presume the floors are carpeted?

And this is probably a silly question but how have you got them wired up?
cse:I believe that the speakers have had enough running in time, as the longer I have them the more I realise that they are right for me. I think the biggest problem is the room - this is what is causing the excessive boom. The lack of outright clarity and detail is probably a charateristic of the speakers and to a lesser extent the amp combination (Roksan caspian MK1). Overall, the sound is just too weighty, with not enough subtlety, although smooth. By the way, the BW's, were not overtly bright as prevously mentioned, but also quite weighty with good base for a standmount, but a little 'closed-in' sounding and not detailed or sweet sounding.I use the neats (albeit the original ones and not se's) with roksan- no fault here and would not describe the neats as boomy at all. I did struggle with the neats in the beginning but found that they have a lot of great qualities- mainly timing...great for rock and roll!. Maybe you have become so used to the B&W sound that the neats have shocked you a bit in a bad way. It is a lot of money to spend on speakers and yes, you do sound very dis-hearted, sorry to hear that! the se's should be miles better with the new tweeter in place but I am just guessing! Try the neat petite SX, you might enjoy it more than the se's 🙂 Also, did you try your amp with the speakers at the dealers? or were they using a different amplifier and cd player all together? good luck and I hope things turn out for the best
The room has wooden floors. I used my amp and Cd player at the demo. I have tried the speakers far out from the wall as well as close to it. I was keen to replace the BW's as after 10 years and a Cd player upgrade I had tired of them. They are single wired and configured properly.
cse:The room has wooden floors.

Unfortunately this is probably where the problem lies. The room effects the sound of the speaker by the reflections it causes, frequencies will be reinforced (like your bass) , others suppressed, this in turn alters the character of the sound you hear. The hard wooden floor you have is reflecting the low frequencies as they are firing down in the SE's. The clarity and detail you desire is there it's just that you cant hear it over the bass issue. The overwhelming lower frequencies are bouncing off the floor and smothering the music. What can you do about it, well the bass needs to be suppressed so you can hear the music and the only way to do it is to stand the speakers on something that will absorb the low frequencies, maybe deep pile carpet squares, well normal carpet squares may work but the deeper the pile the more absorbent they will be. Unfortunately they aren't an ideal fashion piece but you may find they do the trick and cheaper than replacing the speakers.

Just a note, if look into this it maybe worth getting some "free" sample squares from your local carpet outlet to try out.

Sorry to ramble but what your room is doing is effectively altering the tonality of the speaker from how it was when you demoed it to how it is now. What you need to achieve is hearing the speaker directly, this will give you the imaging and this in turn will give you what you want and what you did hear at demo, wonderful sound.
FWIW, I recently demo'd some speakers - various Spendors and ProAcs - at a dealer that had (suspended) wooden floors and all sounded fine. Maybe the dealer's room layout was significant?

The room was rectangular, c. 15ft x 20ft. The speakers were at one end and stood on hardboard (chipboard?) 'mats' approx 1in-thick, although I think the mats' true purpose was to protect the wooden floor from the speakers' spikes.

Facing the speakers, c. 5ft away, were three cotton-cover-type sofas arranged in a U-shape - a three-seater in the middle, with a two-seater either side. And in the whole sofa area, the floor was covered by a thick(ish) sisal(?) rug.

The walls didn't have any accoustic-related covering.

Don't know if any of the above is significant? Hope it helps, though.
cse:The room has wooden floors. I used my amp and Cd player at the demo. I have tried the speakers far out from the wall as well as close to it. I was keen to replace the BW's as after 10 years and a Cd player upgrade I had tired of them. They are single wired and configured properly. Try Marble chopping boards underneath your speakers- that could give you the correct bass as the Neat's fire downwards!
Latest update. I contacted the dealer, who was very helpful. They came round to have a listen and within less than a minute, had sourced the problem. The tweeters had blown in both speakers! (quite unbelievably). As to why, they were unsure, so they decided to take them away, plus the CD player which had a faint electrical smell when observed close-up. They left a pair of Neat Petit SX as a temporary replacement. These sound excellent by the way. A few days later, the dealer phoned to say that the CD player wasn't faulty and is coming back with a new pair of Motive SE2's, to home audition side by side with the Petit's. The service so far has been excellent, as this is quite an unusual occurance, apparently.
cse:Latest update. I contacted the dealer, who was very helpful. They came round to have a listen and within less than a minute, had sourced the problem. The tweeters had blown in both speakers! (quite unbelievably). As to why, they were unsure, so they decided to take them away, plus the CD player which had a faint electrical smell when observed close-up. They left a pair of Neat Petit SX as a temporary replacement. These sound excellent by the way. A few days later, the dealer phoned to say that the CD player wasn't faulty and is coming back with a new pair of Motive SE2's, to home audition side by side with the Petit's. The service so far has been excellent, as this is quite an unusual occurance, apparently.

I just know that this thread is going to have a great ending. What excellent service by the retailer, !
Good to see a happy ending.
cse:Latest update. I contacted the dealer, who was very helpful. They came round to have a listen and within less than a minute, had sourced the problem. The tweeters had blown in both speakers! (quite unbelievably). ...

Whilst I'm glad for you that the problem has been solved I find it hard to believe that a hifi enthusiast, having spent that amount of money on a system, needed a dealer to come round to find two blown tweeters (in less than a minute) after two weeks of posted suggestions by forum members.

Anyway. hope you enjoy your speakers from now on.
Bet you now think that extra few pound spent at the dealer was well spent.

Great service. If only they were all the same.........
fast eddie:Good to see a happy ending.

Yeb, nice dealer I must say.

NEAT sound bad is a very rare occasion.

Naim amp sound great with them btw, try it with warmish Raga CD player or Turntables (Any turntable), the set up should last you for few years to come.
Drummerman Whilst I'm glad for you that the problem has been solved I find it hard to believe that a hifi enthusiast, having spent that amount of money on a system, needed a dealer to come round to find two blown tweeters (in less than a minute) after two weeks of posted suggestions by forum members.

Obviously I did know that something was wrong, but I won't appologise for not realising that both tweeters had blown on a new pair of speakers that I was unsure of their sonic peculiarities in my room. Most forum memebers blamed the wooden floors, which turnred out not to be the case.
Andrew Everard:Let's hope whatever took out the first set of tweeters doesn't do it again when you get the new pair.

Yes that was my immediate thought as well, might not be such a happy ending if the dealer has another pair blown handed back to them...
Andrew Everard:Let's hope whatever took out the first set of tweeters doesn't do it again when you get the new pair.

Yes, but my previous pair of BW CDM1Se's had been working perfectly in situ for 10 years.

[EDITED BY MODS for clarity]
On Saturday the dealer came back with a new pair of Neat Motive 2 Se's to compare against the Neat Petit SX's that he had temporarily loaned me. We did a side by side comparison in my listsening room. The result was a convincing win for the Petit's. Greater clarity, depth of sounstage, involvement and felling of immediacy. The Motive 2 Se's by comparison, were smoother in presentation but still rather recessed, with much less of involvement for the listener. Actually, the overall sound was much smaller with the Motives. So I'm keeping the Petit's, which I had not auditioned earlier as the dealer didn't stock them. Am now just waiting for the dedicated Neat stands to arrive. Result!