New member
Aug 18, 2007
Hi all, Recently I bought an AV/Receiver (STR-DA1200ES) after connecting up all my other machines, also connecting my HDMI cables, I found out I could not use my 46" SONY BRAVIA HD?Television without having to switch ON my AV/Receiver. I found this very annoying because the policy is to save using electricity in this day and age. Today I telephoned SONY at WEYBRIDGE to see if I can overcome this problem, but I had negative results from them, they informed that nothing can be done, it is a design problem, I find it strange that SONY did not think of a way to overcome the problem when they designed the receiver. In other words I have to grin and bear it, so much for the greenhouse effect. Regards :- FROGIT
I can understand that you can't watch sources connected to the TV via the receiver without turning the receiver on, but do you mean you physically can't turn to TV on - for example to watch a regular analogue or Freeview broadcast - without the receiver being switched on? What's the TV? I'll do some checking...
Hi Andrew
In answer to your comments, Ordinary analogue stations are very poor in this area, Freeview will not be available until
2009/10. I have not bothered trying the analogue stations, reception very poor.
I own a SONY KDL-46S2030 HD/Television (BRAVIA)

Regards :- FROGIT

PS :- I have cured the speaker problems, by selecting DOLBY Pro-Logic llx
Thanks for the reply, don't think the design is a good one by SONY.

Regards :- FROGIT


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