tacima cs947


New member
Jan 18, 2008
WhatHifi reviewed the CS947. - Imo a brilliant purchase at the listed price of £45 but available for less online.

If you have a slightly reticent system sound with subdued treble it may not be the best option, for everyone else ... go for it.
nopiano said:
Covenanter said:
Won't make any difference, a complete waste of time. Buy some music instead.


How do you account for the review's findings then, Chris? Expectation bias; a bundle of tenners in the review sample; or something else?

WHiFi don't do blind tests so their reviews are purely subjective. Who can say what is going on in their heads? Not me certainly but I am sure that because of the way they are done they are fairly meaningless.

It would actually be very simple for WHiFi to prove their claims. Record the signal coming out of the amp with and without the conditioner in place. Then use a comparator to show the difference in the signals. That wouldn't cost much, they could probably borrow the kit, Why don't they do it? Simple answer is that there isn't any difference and once that is exposed the whole edifice comes crashing down.

Covenanter said:
nopiano said:
Covenanter said:
Won't make any difference, a complete waste of time. Buy some music instead.


How do you account for the review's findings then, Chris? Expectation bias; a bundle of tenners in the review sample; or something else?

WHiFi don't do blind tests so their reviews are purely subjective. Who can say what is going on in their heads? Not me certainly but I am sure that because of the way they are done they are fairly meaningless.

It would actually be very simple for WHiFi to prove their claims. Record the signal coming out of the amp with and without the conditioner in place. Then use a comparator to show the difference in the signals. That wouldn't cost much, they could probably borrow the kit, Why don't they do it? Simple answer is that there isn't any difference and once that is exposed the whole edifice comes crashing down.


Surely the Editor and staff of WHF read these forums.

If you're out there, perhaps you could answer this one? Covenanter has a good point.
Covenanter said:
nopiano said:
Covenanter said:
Won't make any difference, a complete waste of time. Buy some music instead.


How do you account for the review's findings then, Chris? Expectation bias; a bundle of tenners in the review sample; or something else?

WHiFi don't do blind tests so their reviews are purely subjective. Who can say what is going on in their heads? Not me certainly but I am sure that because of the way they are done they are fairly meaningless.

It would actually be very simple for WHiFi to prove their claims. Record the signal coming out of the amp with and without the conditioner in place. Then use a comparator to show the difference in the signals. That wouldn't cost much, they could probably borrow the kit, Why don't they do it? Simple answer is that there isn't any difference and once that is exposed the whole edifice comes crashing down.


You need to try one my friend rather than just quoting the usual 'it can't possibly work' spiel 🙂

There are places you can return if not satisfied.

I have two and the differences are audible. Until you have at least tried one your opinion holds little water. If, after you had one in your system, you still feel it makes no difference ... I respect your view.

I have had Tacimas for some years, with varying results, mostly positive (as mentioned in my OP) but on the whole, it really is a fantastic, cheap and useful addition to many peoples systems.

C'mon Covenanter, live 'dangerously' and have a go ;-)

Happy Sunday everyone x
bigfish786 said:
ive got one, I think it's a good product that provides a small improvement to sound quality,

It doesn't cost the earth, so is well worth a try.

At the very least, you will have a well built 4 gang mains lead.

6 gang surely?
ive got one, I think it's a good product that provides a small improvement to sound quality,

It doesn't cost the earth, so is well worth a try.

At the very least, you will have a well built 6 gang mains lead.
I've done a basic test on the previous model Tacima by plugging in a noise sniffer. Less noise leaves it than the original socket emits. Fact.

I was happy to use it in our cottage where I have to have a TV, AirPlay speaker, and router all nearby each other, but I haven't carried out detailed listening tests. The results will obviously depend on your incoming mains quality.
bigfish786 said:
ive got one, I think it's a good product that provides a small improvement to sound quality,

It doesn't cost the earth, so is well worth a try.

At the very least, you will have a well built 4 gang mains lead.

I agree. Any improvements are subtle but then thats what we all aim for most of the time no?

Anyone expecting 'night and day' changes for that amount of money/type of product should probably seek another hobby but be realistic and you could find it makes a pleasant difference for not much cash.

Anyway, 'nuff said. I am content with mine but appreciate not everyone will feel the same and in rare cases, may even feel the Tacima had a negative effect.

By the way, forget the 'it sapped power' comments sometimes mentioned in conjunction with Tacimas. That really seems impossible but it does take some harshness/grain out of the sound which some may feel equates to very slightly subduing dynamics. It doesn't but if your system already sounds soft and reticent a Tacima may not prove beneficial other than being practical and provide surge protection.

Hope that helps.
Insertion Loss dB
150 kHz 62
3 MHz 35
30 MHz 30
1 GHz 15

What about 2.4GHz and 5GHz? I know it's only £31.79, but I was expecting more, considering I have tons of Wi-Fi routers bombarding my wiring.
drummerman said:
Covenanter said:
nopiano said:
Covenanter said:
Won't make any difference, a complete waste of time. Buy some music instead.


How do you account for the review's findings then, Chris? Expectation bias; a bundle of tenners in the review sample; or something else?

WHiFi don't do blind tests so their reviews are purely subjective. Who can say what is going on in their heads? Not me certainly but I am sure that because of the way they are done they are fairly meaningless.

It would actually be very simple for WHiFi to prove their claims. Record the signal coming out of the amp with and without the conditioner in place. Then use a comparator to show the difference in the signals. That wouldn't cost much, they could probably borrow the kit, Why don't they do it? Simple answer is that there isn't any difference and once that is exposed the whole edifice comes crashing down.


You need to try one my friend rather than just quoting the usual 'it can't possibly work' spiel 🙂

There are places you can return if not satisfied.

I have two and the differences are audible. Until you have at least tried one your opinion holds little water. If, after you had one in your system, you still feel it makes no difference ... I respect your view.

I have had Tacimas for some years, with varying results, mostly positive (as mentioned in my OP) but on the whole, it really is a fantastic, cheap and useful addition to many peoples systems.

C'mon Covenanter, live 'dangerously' and have a go ;-)

Happy Sunday everyone x

I do have one (the older version)! Indeed I reported on it on here when I joined this forum. I needed a new set of sockets when I got the hifi and my dealer recommended one. So I tried it. I even did a single-blind test with my concierge swapping it in and out. There was absolutely no difference at all.

Unlike others I'm happy to do sensible tests.

nopiano said:
I've done a basic test on the previous model Tacima by plugging in a noise sniffer. Less noise leaves it than the original socket emits. Fact.

I was happy to use it in our cottage where I have to have a TV, AirPlay speaker, and router all nearby each other, but I haven't carried out detailed listening tests. The results will obviously depend on your incoming mains quality.

I'm sure they do have some effect on mains noise and, as you say, if you have terrible mains that could be a benefit. Whether any of that noise would ever get past the power supply electrolytics is at least a doubtful proposition but if it did would it have the effects that people claim (like better separation).

As I said,why not test the signal to find out?

Covenanter said:
drummerman said:
Covenanter said:
nopiano said:
Covenanter said:
Won't make any difference, a complete waste of time. Buy some music instead.


How do you account for the review's findings then, Chris? Expectation bias; a bundle of tenners in the review sample; or something else?

WHiFi don't do blind tests so their reviews are purely subjective. Who can say what is going on in their heads? Not me certainly but I am sure that because of the way they are done they are fairly meaningless.

It would actually be very simple for WHiFi to prove their claims. Record the signal coming out of the amp with and without the conditioner in place. Then use a comparator to show the difference in the signals. That wouldn't cost much, they could probably borrow the kit, Why don't they do it? Simple answer is that there isn't any difference and once that is exposed the whole edifice comes crashing down.


You need to try one my friend rather than just quoting the usual 'it can't possibly work' spiel 🙂

There are places you can return if not satisfied.

I have two and the differences are audible. Until you have at least tried one your opinion holds little water. If, after you had one in your system, you still feel it makes no difference ... I respect your view.

I have had Tacimas for some years, with varying results, mostly positive (as mentioned in my OP) but on the whole, it really is a fantastic, cheap and useful addition to many peoples systems.

C'mon Covenanter, live 'dangerously' and have a go ;-)

Happy Sunday everyone x

I do have one (the older version)! Indeed I reported on it on here when I joined this forum. I needed a new set of sockets when I got the hifi and my dealer recommended one. So I tried it. I even did a single-blind test with my concierge swapping it in and out. There was absolutely no difference at all.

Unlike others I'm happy to do sensible tests.


Thats fair enough then. You are one of the few that experience no difference.

Perhaps your system is/was just not revealing enough ... ;-)
If you are of a persuasion that products like these make a difference to the sound, then you will always hear a difference when it is added, however if you do not believe they make a difference, then you will not .

Take all cues out of the situation, (Blind Test) then no matter what your persuasion is, you will not hear any difference.

As to WHF reviews, they went the same as most other magazines, in that they stopped doing technical testing, thus they have nothing to backup what they are saying, so it comes down to their personal preference, which should be taken with a pinch of salt.

Hope this helps

abacus said:
As to WHF reviews, they went the same as most other magazines, in that they stopped doing technical testing

Don't think WHSV 'stopped doing technical testing': as far as I know the magazine has never done any form of technical testing. Clearly they think it's irrelevant, can't afford/can't be bothered to do it, or would rather spin invisible clothes out of fiction.

'The King is in the all together, But all together the all together, It's all together the very least the King has ever worn' ;-)
I used to use all C929 tacimas - now use none as there are much better products out there. I liked them a lot for a good while, clear difference to me

There are benefits and negatives which is obvious when you open one up which I have done.

I think to get maximum benefit you need one strip per piece of equipment / plug - time you do that - might as well buy somehting decent like an Isotek Aquarius or better and save space

All these comments has anyone bought the new 947? Inside I dare say it will be identical except the have changed the circuit board at the start of the chain by the looks of it - this could be an improved design so might be worth 30 notes to exisiting 929 users. I sold my 929's on no probs
I have 2 x C929's - one for the hifi, one for the home cinema. I wanted to tidy up the cables & plugs and apart from the surge protection/filtering, they look neat and are black, so they fitted the bill. I can't say that even for one moment I thought about listening for any improvement.

After reading that they might 'strangle' the sound a little, I did give it a moments thought - maybe swapping some of the plugs around but it never got any further than a moments thought. I probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference anyway.


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