Tacima CS929 with a Sub

Sliced Bread

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2010
Hey All,

I use a Tacima CS929 with all my gear except for the Sub (as there aren't enough spaces left to accommodate it). Has anyone tried the Tacima with their sub? If so have they been able to notice an improvement?



I asked a similar question yesterday on a different thread.

Advice I got was that you should hear an improvement but as is the way of these things, trial it. One titbit I have also picked up was that amps/receivers should not be in the conditioner but another socket (with upgraded power lead).


quoting from another thread...

"The only item id say to possibly leave off the conditioner is the amp, but its really down to what the difference is. It usually gains detail but lacks sonic 'oomph' (ie, the sounds 'different' but maybe not actually 'better'). The reason being the conditioner usually robs the amp of some power (I use the Isotek Sigmas personally, which is supposed to allow all power through)"

It's also been pointed out that the order of plugging things into the conditioner can have an effect. High power items should get plugged in nearer the copper coil/power lead end, where they get first call on the power

A couple of people have reported noticable differences when using conditioners.

Sliced Bread

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2010
Thanks for the replies.

Quite interesting as the sub has an Amplifier in it. Although having said that I have my "very hungry" amplifier into the mains conditioner and, while I noticed that I had a cleaner sound I did not notice any drop in dynamics. Maybe I should do some A-B testing at home with the Amplifier and try to come to some sort of conclusion for the sub, based on that. Thanks for your help everyone.


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