System Upgrade


New member
Dec 23, 2013
Hi everyone,

Im a newbie here to this forum 🙂.

I've got the following system for about a couple of years that I thought of upgrading, but I'm not sure where to start: :?

Amp: Cambridge Audio Azur 350A

CD Player: Cambridge Audio Azur 350C

Speakers: Audiopro Wigo WI-160


Interconnects & Cables : QED

Choice of music is pop and slow rock/country.

Can anyone give me a few pointers here?

Thinking of starting with one item first..

I dont want to break the bank in the process though..

Never heard of your speakers before but having looked at their specs they don't appear to be the easiest to drive so I'd say your amp is the weak point in your system so look to upgrade that

Its no secret I'm not a Cambridge Audio fan; just don't like their sound but the amp isn't the best and your DAC and speakers deserve better

Are you UK based or elsewhere?

Do you have an idea of what budget you'll have?

Do you want brand new or will you consider second hand / ex-demo?
So if you don't know the speakers Dan, how do you know they're the keepers..??

To the OP, what's your budget, what size of room are you working with? What other sources of music or films do you have? Do you want to include a streaming option, home cinema etc?
I didn't say they were to keep just by their specs they don't look easy to drive!

The CA amp isn't the most powerful so common sense to me would be to look at the amp as the weak link out if his system

Justs Christ RS... You come across as a god damned know-it-all more or less on every post you put down...

Why don't you just offer your opinion instead if challenging other peoples ideas or advice..

It's knobbers like yourself why I found it easier to stay off forums like this. You like the sound of your own opinion too much!

To the OP; apologies for the rant!
Hi Fellas,

sorry for the late reply with the Christmas season upon us and all.

I'm based in Dubai at the moment, and Singapore is home for me.

The speakers would be the one this I may want to change, as I sort of like the CA amp.

Its got to be new and not more than 600 quid.

Stand mounted units would be ok.

Any suggestions?

Spend half of your 600 quid on either the Dali Zensor 3 or the Q Acoustics Concept 20. Both will work well with your 350 electronics and, IMO, they are the best two relatively affordable speaker designs out there.
d_a_n1979 said:
I didn't say they were to keep just by their specs they don't look easy to drive!

The CA amp isn't the most powerful so common sense to me would be to look at the amp as the weak link out if his system

Justs Christ RS... You come across as a god damned know-it-all more or less on every post you put down...

Why don't you just offer your opinion instead if challenging other peoples ideas or advice..

It's knobbers like yourself why I found it easier to stay off forums like this. You like the sound of your own opinion too much!

To the OP; apologies for the rant!

I asked a simple question based on your post, yes, YOUR post. If your ego is too fragile to take it, that's your problem and not mine. Going by the OP's latest reply, it wasn't a misplaced question to ask either.

As for the rest of your reply, pathetic. Oh, and untrue.
the record spot said:
d_a_n1979 said:
I didn't say they were to keep just by their specs they don't look easy to drive!

The CA amp isn't the most powerful so common sense to me would be to look at the amp as the weak link out if his system

Justs Christ RS... You come across as a god damned know-it-all more or less on every post you put down...

Why don't you just offer your opinion instead if challenging other peoples ideas or advice..

It's knobbers like yourself why I found it easier to stay off forums like this. You like the sound of your own opinion too much!

To the OP; apologies for the rant!

I asked a simple question based on your post, yes, YOUR post. If your ego is too fragile to take it, that's your problem and not mine. Going by the OP's latest reply, it wasn't a misplaced question to ask either.

As for the rest of your reply, pathetic. Oh, and untrue.

Handbags at dawn!!! There's nothing more silly than an annoyed smarty pants......
knaithrover said:
Handbags at dawn!!! There's nothing more silly than an annoyed smarty pants......

The great unwashed have arrived, how delightful!

Not annoyed at all old son, just find it all very amusing. And a tad pointless. Which by an incredible coincidence...
the record spot said:
knaithrover said:
Handbags at dawn!!! There's nothing more silly than an annoyed smarty pants......

The great unwashed have arrived, how delightful!

Not annoyed at all old son, just find it all very amusing. And a tad pointless. Which by an incredible coincidence...

Great unwashed?

I do come from rather humble origins granted but i am now a rather affluent incredibly well educated professional 'chap' .... i'm definitely not a huffy smarty pants like you and that other fellow
And I've no need to ostentatiously show off my claimed wealth, nor make incorrect proclamations about someone I know nothing of. Rather silly and pointless really but most of all, classless.

Compliments of the season, etc.
the record spot said:
And I've no need to ostentatiously show off my claimed wealth, nor make incorrect proclamations about someone I know nothing of. Rather silly and pointless really but most of all, classless.

Compliments of the season, etc.

haha smarty pants has a sarky cob on

MODS - OK, can we both please back off and let the thread get back on track? Thank you!
I auditioned that CA amp briefly at a local dealer and my impressions are it's your system's bottleneck. :? Very low powered and not so well built.

Hi All,

I've decided to delve into AV stuff and am intending to get an AV receiver with pre-out to compliment my existing system.

Question is, how do I switch between watching movies on the AV receiver and listening to music on the stereo amp without having to unplug the pair of main speakers?

Any suggestions?

gulfguy said:
Hi All,

I've decided to delve into AV stuff and am intending to get an AV receiver with pre-out to compliment my existing system.

Question is, how do I switch between watching movies on the AV receiver and listening to music on the stereo amp without having to unplug the pair of main speakers?

Any suggestions?


Connect CD player to stereo amp, and bluray/media player to AV receiver. Main speakers are connected as normal to stereo amp. Center and rear speakers and subwoofer are connected to your AV receiver. If your amp has AV bypass, that would be excellent and you should connect your interconnects from AV receiver pre-out to these inputs.

When watching movies, you need to have both AV receiver and stereo amp on. After you have run the AV receiver calibration once, your AV receiver master volume will control the volume to all the speakers. When listening to music, things are status quo and you don't need your AV receiver on.

If your stereo amp doesn't have AV bypass, then just connect your interconnects from AV receiver pre-out to one of the free inputs on your stereo amp (except phono). Then set your stereo amp volume to something you can go back to easily (say 12 o'clock), run your calibration tests once, and then the next time you watch movies, you just have to set your stereo amp volume control back to 12 o'clock and control the master volume using your AV receiver.

Word of caution, remember to lower the volume control when you play music, as the 12 o'clock setting may be too high.
gulfguy said:
Hi All,

I've decided to delve into AV stuff and am intending to get an AV receiver with pre-out to compliment my existing system.

Question is, how do I switch between watching movies on the AV receiver and listening to music on the stereo amp without having to unplug the pair of main speakers?

Any suggestions?


Connect CD player to stereo amp, and bluray/media player to AV receiver. Main speakers are connected as normal to stereo amp. Center and rear speakers and subwoofer are connected to your AV receiver. If your amp has AV bypass, that would be excellent and you should connect your interconnects from AV receiver pre-out to these inputs.

When watching movies, you need to have both AV receiver and stereo amp on. After you have run the AV receiver calibration once, your AV receiver master volume will control the volume to all the speakers. When listening to music, things are status quo and you don't need your AV receiver on.

If your stereo amp doesn't have AV bypass, then just connect your interconnects from AV receiver pre-out to one of the free inputs on your stereo amp (except phono). Then set your stereo amp volume to something you can go back to easily (say 12 o'clock), run your calibration tests once, and then the next time you watch movies, you just have to set your stereo amp volume control back to 12 o'clock and control the master volume using your AV receiver.

Word of caution, remember to lower the volume control when you play music, as the 12 o'clock setting may be too high.
gulfguy said:
Hi All,

I've decided to delve into AV stuff and am intending to get an AV receiver with pre-out to compliment my existing system.

Question is, how do I switch between watching movies on the AV receiver and listening to music on the stereo amp without having to unplug the pair of main speakers?

Any suggestions?


Connect CD player to stereo amp, and bluray/media player to AV receiver. Main speakers are connected as normal to stereo amp. Center and rear speakers and subwoofer are connected to your AV receiver. If your amp has AV bypass, that would be excellent and you should connect your interconnects from AV receiver pre-out to these inputs.

When watching movies, you need to have both AV receiver and stereo amp on. After you have run the AV receiver calibration once, your AV receiver master volume will control the volume to all the speakers. When listening to music, things are status quo and you don't need your AV receiver on.

If your stereo amp doesn't have AV bypass, then just connect your interconnects from AV receiver pre-out to one of the free inputs on your stereo amp (except phono). Then set your stereo amp volume to something you can go back to easily (say 12 o'clock), run your calibration tests once, and then the next time you watch movies, you just have to set your stereo amp volume control back to 12 o'clock and control the master volume using your AV receiver.

Word of caution, remember to lower the volume control when you play music, as the 12 o'clock setting may be too high.


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