surround sound audio query


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have a Sony STRDH800 amp and a Jamo 5.1 speaker system.

When watching SKY HD the sound is very good in suround sound mode in relation to sound effects/music versus speech ie they are balanced at every volume level.

However, when watching from my Panasonic Blu Ray player the music and sound affects will sound okay at a particular volume level, whereas speech is too quiet at that sound level. This means I am constantly moving the volume up and down whilst watching a film ie turning the sound down when music/effects are on and then turning the volume back up when speech occurs.

How do I resolve this?
Does it have analogue 5.1 outs?

I have a BDP80. This has a dialogue enhancer, which boosts the dialogue volume. I use the onboard decoding and analogue audio outs. I am not sure if this feature is available through HDMI
This is the procedure for my player, with a bit of luck yours will be the same.

With a disc in the machine press Display. Arrow down to sound. Turn on dialalogue enhancer.

Hopefully that will solve your problem.
Have you actually calibrated the amp and speaker levels properly?

Alternatively it could just be the dynamic range on blu-ray is too wide for you (although I've never experienced this myself). The amp will have a setting for Dynamic Range Compression (or words along those lines, that's what Sony used to call it), you could turn that on and adjust it to whatever you feel is best. It brings the quiet bits and the loud bits closer together in volume.


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