Suitable upgrade speakers for Kenwood mini hifi?


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
I have a Kenwood mini system (SG7) and I don't much like the tacky look of the speakers, so was wondering what to look for with regards to an upgrade in this department.

The amp is rated at:

Class A - 7.5WPC RMS at 6 Ohms

Class A/B - 20 WPC RMS at 6 Ohms

Book shelf speakers would be more appropriate, as stand mounters would be a bit large.
Well .... I don't know that system - but traditionally the weak part of many such systems were the speakers and replacing them with something from £100 - £200 ish will likely show an improvement - but it really depends on how much more you are expecting to achieve....??!!
Agree with Big Air, you need to be looking at the budget speaker range. Superfi currently have Wharfedale Diamond 9.0s on offer at £69.95 a pair with free delivery. A bit of a steal at that price. Certainly going to be better than what you have already.
I have had a look at these and also considered Tannoy Reveal Passives for their sensitivity.

Is the sensitivity very important for such a low powered amp? I'm a bit concerned that I may end up driving the amp too hard or blowing a driver through clipping.
If the speakers are more sensitive they will require less power to sound louder, but at that sort of level I doubt you will have too many problems unless driving them really hard and loud!
Thank you for all your comments. I've just ordered a new pair of Diamond 9's for £50 delivered. Plenty good enough for this system and the kitchen.
So the speakers arrived today with the iPod cable. All good so far.

Put the mini system together and fired it up......CD player takes disc and then shuts down, great! Can't get the CD player to stay on long enough to get the disc back either.

No sound from iPod, double great!! WTF is going on?

Left the amp on for a bit and plugged in a known good DVD player and now have sound, only in mono (left channel). Switched on the iPod again and now have sound from that too in the left channel, a few crackles later the right channel sparks into life.

I guess a few house moves, being left unplayed and possibly getting damp for a few years has taken its toll on this system, so I think an internal clean up may be in order.

The sound is a little bit 'boxy' and muffled. I'm putting this down to the amp needing to be cleaned and warmed up after hibernation.

Other than that, I couldn't say if the speakers were any cop with the amp in its current condition.
Ha, sounds like fun. You may just have one two little problems by the sound of it. Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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