Question Suggestions for foundational parts of a longer term vinyl setup

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My nightmare of a brain and itchy wallet finger are getting jittery again. I'm just pondering the merits of upgrading the WiiM Mini purely at a theoretical level at this stage and trying to understand what costlier kit actually gets me. I would imagine that they should offer better build quality and components, but whether than translates into audible benefits is another matter.

One thing I've noticed is absolutely zero coverage anywhere of the ARCAM ST25 and I find that really weird. The A5/A15/A25 have all had plenty of reviews and the ST25 is available to buy but there's not a single review anywhere of it. I find that rather perplexing so have asked ARCAM what that's all about because that alone is enough to put me off.

Is this common? I'd have assumed that if you've just had a successful launch of a new bunch of amps and you follow that up with some new streamers, that you have the chance to snare a bunch of sales. The ST5 received a lukewarm reception, so does this imply that ARCAM know they've launched another sub-par streamer and so they haven't sent out loan units for review? Even then, I'd expect stockists to put out some sort of coverage.

It's very odd. I think ARCAM have a couple of all-in-one streamers due to release imminently (SA35 and SA40) but that shouldn't delay reviews of a standalone streamer, should it? They are somewhat positioned as a "family" of products (even though you'd never buy all three), so maybe that's it.
Dont worry about reviews ive owned many products that are hardly muttered about, Sugden for example or the Nait 50 I have just bought nearly nothing online or in publications.

Blusound have just released some very intreating updates to there there dac/streamer range, the Icon and the new Node. These have room correction, and that really does bring about some tangible benefits. But it comes at cost but worth investigating.
Dont worry about reviews ive owned many products that are hardly muttered about, Sugden for example or the Nait 50 I have just bought nearly nothing online or in publications.

Blusound have just released some very intreating updates to there there dac/streamer range, the Icon and the new Node. These have room correction, and that really does bring about some tangible benefits. But it comes at cost but worth investigating.
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Similarly I have just bought a NAIT50 and considering relocation of the a WiiM Ultra to bedroom duty and replacement with new Node Icon, although balanced outputs worthless into NAIM 5PIN DIN
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Subscribing to follow the journey..
Similarly I have just bought a NAIT50 and considering relocation of the a WiiM Ultra to bedroom duty and replacement with new Node Icon, although balanced outputs worthless into NAIM 5PIN DIN
I run the wiim straight in to a DAC the qutest in this case, use everything in the main system. It's all the amp I need with such sensitive speakers, I can easily achieve 100db constant levels at just over a a quarter turn. It s a very capable preformer that im sure it will get repackaged into another product at sompoint.

It actually sounds almost like my sugden a21 with just alot more control and grunt.

the stand out for me is the phono stage it really is quite nice easily surpassing my MS mx vynl.

Best bit though it didnt cost me a penny on a trade in. The sugden has gone up so much in price over the years I got back what payed for it.
I run the wiim straight in to a DAC the qutest in this case, use everything in the main system. It's all the amp I need with such sensitive speakers, I can easily achieve 100db constant levels at just over a a quarter turn. It s a very capable preformer that im sure it will get repackaged into another product at sompoint.

It actually sounds almost like my sugden a21 with just alot more control and grunt.

the stand out for me is the phono stage it really is quite nice easily surpassing my MS mx vynl.

Best bit though it didnt cost me a penny on a trade in. The sugden has gone up so much in price over the years I got back what payed for it.
Agree re: the phono stage….
The NAIT 50 “forced” me into the purchase of a brand new Planar 6 ND7 combo 🤣
Anyways, back on thread !
ARCAM got back to me and said that they'll be sending units out to the press imminently for review. They were waiting to get enough of their all-in-one streamer units produced before generating reviews to avoid any stock issues.

As the ST25 is part of their "Radia 2" range, they haven't released that to the press yet either, even though they do have a decent supply of those units.
Was interesting to read the new Roksan Attessa 4G review yesterday…
It’s a bit if a powerhouse including the streaming unit….
I do suspect this ought to throw a new meaning to “integrated amp “ a la Arcam SA35 et al
The only fly in the ointment is the software for streaming integration.
In my preferred order, WiiM , BluOS, StreamMagic…
The rest are utterly dreadful..
This is a bit of an aside, but I've just returned from a trip to Scotland where I was visiting my ailing stepdad. We got onto the subject of music and Hi-Fi, and it lead to a couple of (to me) interesting things.

First, he showed me the remains of his vinyl collection, which was mostly "lost" in his divorce back in the early 80s. It was a solid enough mix of stuff with some ELO, Jethro Tull, Fleetwood Mac. The Moody Blues etc., all of which he says I'm welcome to take on my next trip up there. Apparently my late mother's collection is in the loft but he did warn me that it's "just Cliff Richard and crap like that" - but I do suspect she'll have had the odd Beatles LP, so I'm curious to check.

In amongst the LPs were a couple of fairly generic classical records but what was interesting was that they were 1970s Quadrophonic recordings. What was more interesting, was that my stepdad says he was actually involved with what sounds like many branches of failed attempts to establish Quadrophonics as a commercially viable format. I knew that his background included some element of audio as his first business involved him designing "mail order build-it-yourself" home amplifiers. Apparently that was a thing back in the late 70s - a very engaged enthusiast market of people who wanted to build their own gear. I found this review scraped from the 70s of one of his products:

And when rooting through some cupboards up there, I found a couple of 20+ year old DJ-focused components, from a failed toe that he dipped in the restaurant / entertainment business about 20 years ago. You'll note in the image the amp in the background - it's a 100W one of his that he still uses 😎

He said I'm welcome to take away the turntable and CD player to flog and raise funds for whatever the next shiny thing is that catches my eye. I think the CD player is fairly mediocre but the turntable could be worth a modest amount.PXL_20250218_122546284.jpgPXL_20250218_122644895.jpg
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The domino effect of my tinkering continues 😀

The new Hi-Fi cabinet should be with me in a couple of weeks - I'm at #86 in the queue now.

In the meantime, I have realised that my old speaker stands are too low (50cm) whereas I need them to be a good 20cm+ taller to get the speaker placement right. Someone is picking up my freecycled current stands tomorrow and then I've got some new Kanto ST28P stands coming on Thursday 😎

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I seem to remember from the images you posted originally that you had decent speaker stands. Someone has bagged themselves a bargain!
I'm pretty sure they were old Atacama NeXXus stands, but at only 50cm high they were pretty short. When seated the speakers were still only at around shoulder level so I thought a little more height should be an easy to achieve improvement.

More tinkering is absolutely on the cards. I'm waiting for the Hi-Fi cabinet to arrive before making a streamer upgrade but may end up biting the bullet sooner because it's going to happen at some point anyway.....I have at least demonstrated some learning by not just instinctively ordering the discounted WiiM Ultra as I don't think that necessarily would give me a sonic boost from the Mini.

That will just leave the (old) headphones and (new) turntable in my sights. Things would have been easier if I'd just inwardly admitted up front that the budget was loose and always liable to snowball 🤦‍♂️
Hahaha that must have been a thrilling ride! I am sad I missed seeing it unfold live...

As someone who also has a bit of a tendency to splurge and constantly think about "what's next" to upgrade, I can imagine how much fun this might have been - and still is as it seems you have more to do 😉

I have got my hands on my second amp upgrade since last March (old amp still waiting for a new home), I have bought and returned two phono preamps since December, with a cheap stop-gap one arriving Friday - and just saw a second hand one I am keen on. Plus I have been seriously considering changing my turntable (partly because of a possible hum, partly just as I have "already " had it for over a year and fancy something new 😬)

Well, we only live once...

P.s. what is your streamer upgrade going to be? I have a Wiim Pro Plus and really like it. It's one thing I am actually not too itching to upgrade, though the app itself isn't great.
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Well, we only live once...

P.s. what is your streamer upgrade going to be? I have a Wiim Pro Plus and really like it. It's one thing I am actually not too itching to upgrade, though the app itself isn't great.
The bold bit is 100% my thinking 😀

There are lots of streamer options and I've always been sceptical of the quality to cost ratio with streamers, even though much like any bit of Hi-Fi, I suppose better components should result in better sound 🤔

The truth is I don't know. I am prepared to spend £1,500 but would rather stay below £1,000. The Bluesound Node Icon is getting rave reviews. I want to know more about the ARCAM ST25 just from a box-matching angle as much as anything. I think I'd make a mistake just going for the WiiM Ultra so I've ruled that out.

Streaming represents the majority of my listening (my wife uses the turntable most), so I am keen to have a good crack at it - I don't want an intermittent step - I want this to be a long-term solution.
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The bold bit is 100% my thinking 😀

There are lots of streamer options and I've always been sceptical of the quality to cost ratio with streamers, even though much like any bit of Hi-Fi, I suppose better components should result in better sound 🤔

The truth is I don't know. I am prepared to spend £1,500 but would rather stay below £1,000. The Bluesound Node Icon is getting rave reviews. I want to know more about the ARCAM ST25 just from a box-matching angle as much as anything. I think I'd make a mistake just going for the WiiM Ultra so I've ruled that out.

Streaming represents the majority of my listening (my wife uses the turntable most), so I am keen to have a good crack at it - I don't want an intermittent step - I want this to be a long-term solution.
Haha yes.

I get that about streaming. As much as I love vinyl, I probably listen to just as much via streaming on my main hi-fi (obviously if we include listening at my PC while working and while on the move, streaming probably makes up 80% of my listening). Yet I don't feel a massive urge to upgrade my Wiim - or even pay for a Tidal subscription - though that also as I am sharing a Spotify and Apple Music ones with family...

But I guess I might one day. I have actually been looking at CD /streamers - as my CD player is probably the weakest link in my system - and the last survivor from my original "are home new stereo" set up from 2014 (!!! just checked the date/receipt. I seriously don't know how that happened. MUST upgrade now haha)
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Ah no, I keep thinking about buying a CD with streamer but there's only the Marantz 50 - which is too deep for my shelf - and the Primare which I am not sure about and anyway too much at £1600...
More good experience with Peter Tyson - they've been flawless every time I've interacted with them.

My new stands were coming from them via Amazon and were due to be delivered yesterday but DPD screwed up and sent the package to the wrong local distribution centre. On the way back to their central hub, they managed to damage the parcel but didn't actually tell anyone. I kept getting notifications that they'd tried to deliver but that I'd been out (I hadn't).

I spoke with DPD today and they admitted that the parcel was damaged but that I needed to contact Peter Tyson to resolve it. So I did that and in a matter of a few minutes they have refunded me the Amazon order and sent out another set of stands to arrive tomorrow, with 33% off for the "inconvenience" 😎

I even told the customer service guy that I thought Peter Tyson had been great and that the issue was all at the DPD end (which it clearly is) but they seem like they just want to impress with every interaction. And it will work - I'll be getting my next upgrades through them for sure. This is not a paid ad!
Old speaker height is here:

New stands are in and so the height is much more appropriate now when seated - it's precisely a 20cm increase and the impact is tangible. Quick and effective improvement.

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Three part of the puzzle left to look at. They are as listed below with my view on things, and are probably in order of priority (highest priority first):

Headphones. The current Audio-Technica ATH-ANC7b are ~15 years old and inherited from my dad. They're closed-back ANCs and whilst the noise cancelling isn't kicking in without a battery in there, they do feel very "contained" (presumably the closed-back?) which squashes the mid-range into a bit of a mush and I want a greater feeling of space and separation. Given that an hour or two of my listening per day is through headphones, this will be a key upgrade to make.

I have no brand loyalty and no knowledge about headphones at all, so any advice is appreciated. I listen to a pretty broad mix of music - basically everything except for Metal, and with a leaning towards acoustic and / or orchestral pieces. I've no intention of getting a separate headphone DAC - this will go straight into the A25. I prefer over to on-ear headphones and want to remain wired. Budget max of £500.

Streamer. The WiiM Mini just works. It sounds fine to my ears and the app is excellent. The fact that it was only £89 nags at me, but why fall down the money pit again? I'm just sceptical that there are huge gains to be made here, but surely the costlier streamers must offer something?

IF I were to upgrade here, I'd be looking for the same high quality of app experience, which immediately rules out a few manufacturers. Budget max of £1,000.

Turntable. The Rega Planar 1 is about three months old and doesn't really need changing. We only have about 25 records at the moment so going overboard here feels like an indulgence, but that is a path I usually tread.

We've really enjoyed the whole end-to-end experience of vinyl - from flipping through displays at the local shop to the process itself of actually intentionally choosing an album, putting it on and listening through in order and in full. The only perceptible flaw we've had with the Planar 1 is that it feels a bit off having the RCAs at the turntable end hardwired - the tinkerer in me would prefer the option to choose my own cables. Some automation would be appreciated - maybe a speed switch (actually irrelevant for us, as we don't currently own any 45s) and definitely auto return for the tonearm.

I've liked the Rega and the £999 Planar 3 RS does catch the eye.
I took a punt on the NODE ICON in my home office system.
I relocated the WiiM Ultra to bedroom HP duty.
The NODE ICON is an absolute step change to the WiiM Ultra.
It's got a more fluid, analogue tinge to it, much more musical. And I WAS an absolute digital streaming / DAC sceptic.
I got it for £750 from 7OAks. The screen is too small still, but its brilliant.
Arguably more musical than my £1600 CA EXN100.

I also took a punt on the Roksan Attessa Turntable, reduced from £1100 to £399 on Richer sounds as a second deck. At £399, it challenges the RP3 RS and wins !
I took a punt on the NODE ICON in my home office system.
I relocated the WiiM Ultra to bedroom HP duty.
The NODE ICON is an absolute step change to the WiiM Ultra.
It's got a more fluid, analogue tinge to it, much more musical. And I WAS an absolute digital streaming / DAC sceptic.
I got it for £750 from 7OAks. The screen is too small still, but its brilliant.
Arguably more musical than my £1600 CA EXN100.
I am very much interesting in the ICON. Presumably you had to connect it to your NAIT 50 via RCAs? I'm not sure how many amps can actually leverage the XLRs on the ICON.

How does the app experience compare to the WiiM? I obviously want the fidelity boost which you and many reviews I've read and seen suggest it adds, but I also want the UX to be as good as (or even better) than the WiiM app, which I find very intuitive. I probably stream more than I listen to records, so I do want to invest in this properly.

My only real criticism of the WiiM Mini has been responsiveness - sometimes there's some lag (but probably only a second at the most) between selecting a track and it starting to play.

I need to look into this more, but theoretically my new cabinet should arrive in mid-March and it's going to have a component sized gap on an entirely vacant shelf, so it's crying out to be filled with something more substantial than the appropriately named Mini.
I could use the XLR out to my EXA100 if needed but my cable runs are all 50cm or less, thus XLR redundant.
the NAIT50 is a 5pin DIN input from the 2RCA out from Icon.
BluOS is good. As good as WiiM OS. the playlist function on BluOS handy.
Note that the ICON is loaded up in readiness for full DIRAC too and that is a step beyond the WiiM EQ
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I've taken a leaf out of the @The_Lecht_Rocks ' book and just ordered the Bluesound Node ICON; it arrives tomorrow.

I've also been making enquiries with Audio T and Sevenoaks about the Rega Planar 3 RS. Both say that there's a couple of weeks' lead time for them to get one into stock for a listen, but they're both offering fairly derisory trade-in prices for the Planar 1.

I'll see how keen I am to pursue that upgrade path - I can always test the water on Gumtree and eBay to see if I can get more than I've been offered and if all else fails, then it at least is the last major upgrade I'll be chasing so I can probably live with losing a few quid. In my head a conceptual 20% "discount" would be nice, but they're only just offering over 10% at the moment.


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