Sub Upgrade from wharfedale sw150 to ?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I am in the process of selling my mission surround system and this should leave me £300 tops for a sub upgrade but are there any subs at this price point that would make a noticable difference. I know there is the monitor audio br that would maatch the other 7 speakers but all I can find is mixed reviews. Any suggestions would be welcome.
I just went through the same process with a SW150.

I tested an ex-demo RSW12 @ £399, an ex-demo Sunfire HRS8 @ £475, a new RXW12 @ £639 and a new B&W ASW10 (list of £450) from a dealer who I buy alot from for £385.00

In the end I went for the ASW610, not as powerfull as the others, but just tighter / more controlled and I won't look back.

If you could stretch and get a deal that would be an excellent way to go, or the ASW608, which has a list pirce of £350 (I am sure you could get this near £300 if you haggle).


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