Streaming Qobuz to Marantz AV8805 (or anything else, really with UPnP)


Feb 7, 2021
Hi, folks. Perhaps this has been beaten to death here, but there's a rather nifty way to do it detailed here. It will require a PC or Mac, and for best results another iOS of Android device to run the Linn Kazoo on. I tried Tidal but could never find a way to do that without an additional hardware device, either a new AVR (NO I'm not upgrading the Marantz, though it would be nice if they updated their firmware for Tidal Connect) or a separate streamer. Yes, I can use Airplay2 but that, as we know, tops out at CD resolution. Whether or not I can hear the difference is still a bit of an open question but I at least want the ability to TRY. It bugs me when people like Tidal don't want to consider that the entire world shouldn't bend to their preferred use model.


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