Quantock said:
So what's the technical explanation for someone saying streaming via Ethernet via homeplugs (and obviously some Ethernet cables) sounds better?
Sound waves are created from the speakers connected to an amplifier, which is connected into three systems - one where music is streamed via ethernet cables, another where music is streamed via homeplugs and a final one where music is streamed wirelessly. Once any of these sound waves hit the eardrum, it vibrates and causes a chain reaction resulting in these vibrations being passed along the cochlea. Here, there are thousands of cilia (which are hair like nerve endings) and as the vibrations occur, these move. The brain interprets these movements as sound. Things get a bit fuzzy from here on in I'm afraid, but the best way I can put it is that when some brains "hear" the sound produced by the music streamed via homeplugs or music streamed wirelessly, this results in greater satisfaction than that produced by the music streamed via ethernet. The opposite is also true for some other brains.
Hope this helps.