Hi Leeps,
My choice to go with the unitiQute, Nap 100 and the KEF R100 had to do with being on a budget as well as liking the KEF sound and trying to get away from large mismatched looking separates.My system use to be a Logitech Transporter (for streaming from a NAS) Audiolab CD8200 (for CD playback) and the Marantz PM6002 integrated amp with a pair of Kef iQ10. It was an okay sounding system but I kept getting the upgrade bug and when we finally bought a flat 3 years ago I decided it was a good chance to upgrade to a new system. I sold my Marantz amp and borrowed my friends Linn power amp, musical Fidelity mono-blocks and Music First pre for the time being. This only spoiled me and showed me what a decent setup could sound like. So I started my search for a new system. But I wanted to get away from the bulky separates and all the cables. I don't have the space for a big system and so I started considering an all-in-one system, as I read some good reviews.I considered All-in-one systems from Arcam, Marantz and Cyrus but didn't particularly like the look or specs. Linn’s All-in-ones were out of my price range. I walked into a hi-fi shop one day where they had the Qute on display and I instantly fell in love with it. Also reading a lot of HiFi mags I noticed that Naim was mentioned, and recommended quite a lot.I knew I couldn't upgrade everything at once as I had just purchased a flat in London, money was very tight.I managed to sell the Transporter and find a open-box Naim UnitiQute for a good price. I was very happy with the functionality of the Qute and the n-stream remote app. But the sound on its own was not what I had gotten use to. Trying both the Linn and MF power amps with the Qute made a big improvement and I knew I would need to eventually get a power amp. Luckily, that is also when Naim announced the NAP100, the perfect partner to the Qute 😉I also started to look around for an upgrade to my old KEFs. I auditioned a pair of Rega RS1s, Neat Iotas, B&W CM1s, MA GX50s, with a Naim UnitiLite. Non of these sounded that much better from my old iQ10s. I also Auditioned a pair of Spendor SA1s, KEF LS50s and the R100s, All sounded very good. But the Spendors were out of my budget and the LS50s don’t have speaker grills. I was worried that my kids would poke their fingers into the beautiful orange drivers. The R100s also had a deeper bass then the LS50s, and were open-box, so I got quite a discount on them as well.Finally, I picked up the NAP100 this Christmas to complete my system. I’m very happy with the way it sounds. The KEFs really bring out the best from the system. I love the wide soundstage and detail. The NAP100 added to the Qute. Especially in the low end. The bass is stronger and more defined. Sound stage has also opened up a little more and the sound is just more fuller now.The Audiolab CD8200 now sits in the bedroom with a ProJect headphone amp. For listening to my Grado SR250 headphones. But it hardly gets used, so I’m thinking of selling it to someone that wants a great CD/DAC combo.Hope this post wasn’t too long.regards.