Streamed quality and CD?


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2016
Hi. I just bought 2nd hand for 300€ a Cambridge Azur 651A amp (condition excellent) and Azur 551P phono stage. My LP`s sound wonderful. The same seller also has the matching CD player (651C) for 350€, also in excellent condition, and of course, they look great together. Would I notice an improvement over my Denon 1930 which is essentially a DVD player which plays CD`s? As I have been collecting since the 70`s, CD`s of course later, I shall continue to use them. About 1000 CD`s and 500LP`s. And finally, how do these new streamers compare on quality?? At the moment in my town somebody is selling for 200€ a Cambridge Audio NP 30. Not quite sure if it`s simply plug in and play? Anything more complicated and I`m, well, you know!! My speakers are B&W XT4 and Transcriptors Hydraulic Reference with Ortofon VMS 20e MkII cartridge. Many thanks.
Glad you're happy with your purchases.
I've got a CA 540P phono stage (but must admit, I don't think it's as good as the built-in phono stage of my old Marantz KI amp).

It's up to you whether you think the 651C CDP is worth the seller's asking price. If nothing else it will be a visual match and operationally more convenient as a CDP than a DVD player is.

No reason why 'CD quality' streaming shouldn't sound as good as a CD, especially when put through the same DAC. Much depends on the master used by the streaming service - which may not always be the same as the ones on your discs.
You may have seen this 9 year old WHF review of the NP-30:
Pretty much plug-and-play.
Plenty of alternatives around now of course, some with better displays, others with none at all.
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Many thanks for your reply, I was beginning to think I wouldn`t actually get any! I had seen that review yes, but thanks for taking the trouble. I have actually now decided to buy the matching CD player and leave streaming till a later date. At 350€ I think it`s ok. The new price here in Finland is 659. I have to assume CD`s will sound better, as my LP`s do.
Thanks for your reply and try and have a Merry Christmas!


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