Stereo Amp for B&W CM8s?


New member
Oct 8, 2010
I'm looking at getting a suitable stereo amp for driving my front pair of B&W CM8 floorstanders. (feeding the stereo amp from pre-outs from the Pioneer LX53 a/v amp). So probably using a Source Direct input on stereo amp if possible (volume will be controlled using the a/v receiver).

Looking at the reviews etc, I think my shortlist is Naim 5i or XS, Cambridge Audio 840A, Marantz PM6003, Yamaha A-S500, or maybe Cyrus 8XP?

My musical taste is very broad - classical, acoustics, vocals and rock. Not hugely into lots of bass.

Any thoughts, so that I can fine tune my demo'ing? (ps. I have to slip this piece of kit under the OH radar, so discrete looks are useful here, as well as good match for speaker sound)
Trawl eBay for an Arcam A85. It has a processor mode to allow easy integration into a home cinema system. My A85 & P85 together came to less than £500 (although not at the same time). I think you'll struggle to match that kind of value and performance with new kit.

And my recommendation has absolutely no bearing on wanting to hear your views on the Arcam/CM8 combo.
Out of the above list I'd only go for the Cyrus 8XP TBH

The rest are good amps but they wont power the CM8's to their fullest capabilities and the amps are more of the lower level midrange and upper level budget amps.

The Naim amps are good but for me, the Naim & B&W combo isnt a good match at all and not a great sound (that's in my opinion)

The likes of the Rotel RA1520 or RA06SE amps would be a good match as would a decent 2nd hand Arcam DiVA A85 (as Big Chris mentioned) or an Arcam Alpha 10 or Arcam FMJ A32 integrated (if you can find them)
Thanks Chris and hifilover, there are a few A85s on fleabay - might be worth a speculative punt.

ps. CM8s going to be reviewed in another hifi mag that's not my usual choice that seem to have been lent a pair - no take up yet from WHFSV on using mine to do a review. They must have since got hold of a pair too🙂.
I've been told by one shop that all I need is a Power Amp, like the Cyrus X Power, and use the PioneerLX53 as the preamp. Is this right?
Yes you could just use a power amp (using the AV amp to do all the signal work etc...)

A decent power amp such as the Cyrus XPower would be good but as I said above; for me the CM8's need to be driven well so personally I'd be looking at a more powerful amp such as a Roksan, Arcam, NAD or Rotel etc...

I found that my NAD pre/power drove the B&W CM9's and CM7's superbly (CM8's werent in stock then) but so did the Arcam set-up they had (FMJ A38) etc...

I think along the lines of 100wpc would be a better suit for the CM8's IMO
Thanks for the advice. To keep things as wife-friendly at home I'm going to add a Cyrus X Power power amp to drive the CM8s. This way there'll be no extra buttons to press or dials to confuse OH etc. Also gives the option for further additions in the future.

Will let you know how it works out when I get it delivered/installed.
Sounds like a good plan... Any thoughts on a PSX-R?

What cable will you be using (interconnects and speaker cable)? Only reason I ask is that I heard the B&W CM8's on Sunday matched with the Cyrus 8XP and the XPower and they were using the QED Revelation and Chord Odyssey 2 speaker cable with the Chord CobraPlus interconnects and the system sounded SUPERB!
That sounds encouraging!

Will the PSX-R make much difference?

I've already got Chord speaker cable for the fronts - though not sure what type as was from when my system was first installed by SSAV about six years ago. Will go for the CobraPlus interconnect as sounds like it works well, thanks.
That sounds encouraging!

Will the PSX-R make much difference?

I've already got Chord speaker cable for the fronts - though not sure what type as was from when my system was first installed by SSAV about six years ago. Will go for the CobraPlus interconnect as sounds like it works well, thanks.

The PSX-R will give some added 'oomph' to the Cyrus power amp so deffo a consideration for the future

The CobraPlus interconnects are very good; I'm running one with my 2nd system, upgraded from a CrimsonPlus and a marked improvement as well
Budget amps wont cut it with the b&w cm8's, i reckon you should be looking at amps around the £1000. Cyrus should def be on your list
I think you will be pleased with the X Power. Despite being 'only' rated at 70 wpc, it is powerful and much more dynamic and grippy than it's size suggests. The PSX-R would make a difference, but not a huge amount in stereo mode. Buy another X Power and run them in mono mode if you really want to wake the neighbours...
Very efficient from ssav again - just picked up the X Power!
Will try and install it under the OH radar tonight. Chose black so that it could be lost in the shadows. I've found some of my Chord Cobra 2 interconnects from when a/v receivers didn't do HDMI. Will see how these sound with the Cyrus before maybe trying the ChordCobra3Plus as suggested.
Managed to get some time to install the X Power today, taking stereo pre-outs from the Pioneer LX53 to the X Power then to my pair of CM8s.

I'd done a fair bit of listening beforehand (with receiver volume at -20db), so that I could compare the change. For cables, I used Chord Cobra 2s as interconnects (from my previous setup, though maybe Chord CobraPlus will be better) between the a/v amp and the X Power, and also swapped my old Chord speaker cables for two lengths of Chord Carnival Silverscreen (as they seemed highly recommended on this site).

My reference music was Afrocubism (a superb recording that crosses Buena Vista Social Club with West African Cuban influenced musicians - just take a listen - lots of varied electric, acoustic and traditional african instruments), Cee Lo Green and Prince (from the Ultimate Prince CD - needs no introduction).

The X Power was chosen partly for its excellent sonic reputation and partly because it is discrete and does not complicate the controls etc for the family. In fact, hidden under the a/v stand, it can barely be seen. It has an auto "power on" function when it detects a signal.

The Cyrus manual says that the amp needs a month to really get into its stride, but I could hear a significant difference immediately, and improved even over the first hour of listening. The sound was firstly louder - at same -20db a/v amp level, it was significantly louder. However, the main differences were that the sound seemed more "sculptured" (if that makes sense), coming out so far from the front pair of CM8s that I had to check that it wasn't actually coming from the surround speakers. The bass was much better defined and the vocals really stood out more.

The CM8s now sound like they've raring to be unleashed - the amp has given the muscle to really make them shine.

Therefore, very happy so far with the addition of the Cyrus X Power. Is LX53 plus stereo power amp, a better musical approach for the money than a more expensive LX83 alone, for example?