Stepping up


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all,

First let me introduce myself: I'm a 19 year old
Belgian student in Computer sciences with a passion for computers,
music and motorcycles. Now for the last few weeks I've been studying
for my examens, and I'm getting more and more annoyed with the sound
quality of my music. On the go I always use an iPod withan earlier generation of V-Moda Vibe
IEM's (sound better than the latest ones), but at home I mostly use my 10 year old
mini-hifi system to listen to the radio or connected to my pc through a very cheap cable. I don't think I have to
explain why the sound isn't really top notch 😉 It has quite a lot of hiss
(coming from the hifi system itself, it does the same when listening to
the radio) and just SQ in general.

So I'm thinking of upgrading
to something better, and was looking at buying another Mini HiFi
system, as separates are out of my budget, and I don't have that much
space. According to reviews I was thinking of the Denon DM37 with a pair of speakers
like Tannoy F1 Customs or something in that range, which JUST fits in my
budget (+-300GBP). But after researching some more, I'm afraid I won't
be able to get all of the potential out of it by just connecting it to
my computer. A decent DAC seems to cost about half of my bduget so that is kinda out of the question. So I was wondering what you guys think of this, or what other options I have with this budget. (Which in HiFi terms is really low, I know, but it's already quite high as a student with a motorcycle... )

Thanks in advance!


Edit: Btw, any good online shops that would ship to Belgium? Forum hifi had a very decent price of the DM37, but shipping costs are 70£!

I was following what you were saying, but you lost me after the word 'belgian'

If you listen on your headphones from your ipod would consider doing the same from your computer? You can get headphone amps with DACs combined and a decent set of headphones for your budget.

I am confident you will be blown away with the sound quality. A friend tried my portable headphone setup after only ever hearing mini systems and she was blown away by the sound. She realised she had been singing the wrong lyrics to a track she had been listening to for 30 years!
Hmm, very good point you have there idc I know portable setups can deliver astonishing SQ, but I'ld rather not switch to headphones for listening to my computer. Just personal preference, but I'll certainly think about it.
Hmm, I didn't thought of that yet, that might be a very good solution! Will these offer better quality than a all-in-one HiFi system?

And I don't really need an iPod dock, doesn't that boost up the price?
Hmm, I didn't thought of that yet, that might be a very good solution! Will these offer better quality than a all-in-one HiFi system?

And I don't really need an iPod dock, doesn't that boost up the price? you could try one of the tripath amps you see going cheaply on ebay they sound good but the output is low so youd need to attach them to some speakers that are easy to drive

prices are about the 30? mark

i used to use mine connected from my computer to some q acoustics speakers and the sound was good

many come with headphone outputs too
Most active speakers either have a dock built in or a minijack input to plug an ipod into.

I have no idea whether active speakers or all in one would sound better. I am basing my suggestion on price and the type of product that would fit in with what you have said in your posts.


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