Steam Cleaning Records


Well-known member
Feb 18, 2008
I recently learnt about a technique of using a hand held steamer in additional to a normal vacuum record cleaning machine and cleaning fluid. I have a Cadence Okki Nokki and use L'Art du Son record cleaning fluid and I'm really pleased that I've achieved over the years. However, I was wondering if it could be improved on.

I read about it here:

and there is a video on Youtube:

My main concern is about damaging the groove and would be interested in your thoughts.

Many thanks!
My current cleaning technique is:

1. Steam clean and vacuum
2. Apply L'Art du Son record cleaning fluid with Discdoctor Size A brushes and vacuum
3. Repeat with cleaning fluid as above
4. Steam clean and vacuum
5. Apply deionised water to rinse with another Discdoctor Size A brush
6. Remove static using a Milty Zerostat gun
7. Allow to dry and sleeve in Nagaoka No.102 antistatic inner sleeve

The steam cleaner I use is the Karcher SC952:

I also made a plastic disc to protect the label. I used the plastic lid from a sealable plastic food container. It works really well at keeping the label dry.

Good grief! You guys should try a CD player!

[runs for cover]
Oops - my [runs for cover] seems to have been made invisble by greater than/less than symbols - fixed with square brackets!

That really is one amazing CDP! I can only dream of such equipment! I would love a tt to play my record collection from my youth, but 3 children, 2 cats and a dog put pay to that for the time being!

Well - if that is your CD player - what on earth is your tt setup?

Sorry to be OT, but to get back OT - does this cleaning regime help old records? More specifically, will it help my 20yr+ old records from my younger years should I be allowed a tt anytime soon?
My rig is currently:

T+A V10 valve amplifier
T+A D10 CD/SACD player
Michell Gyrodec SE (with Origin Live Silver tonearm, Ortofon Kontrapunkt B cartridge)
Trichord Dino phono stage & Dino PSU
TAG McClaren DAC20
T+A TCI 2E speakers


Audioquest Quart x3 interconnects
Black Rhodium AST200x2 speaker cables
Black Rhodium Supermains 13 mains cables

My cleaning regime absolutely helps old records its most noticeable with those. A vacuum record cleaning machine is a must and the Cadence Okki Nokki is a great entry level one. I tried lots of different cleaning fluids but nothing compares to L'Art du Son. I'm stunned by the results. Steam cleaning will eliminate virtually all pops and clicks on old records unless its being caused by groove tear. The cheapest place to buy the Karcher steam cleaner is from Tesco Direct:

wow, i thought i was the only one on this forum that had any T+A gear! Your kit seriously humbles mine though ;-(

i am however very happy with what i do have - a pair of T+A Spectrum ADL III's. stunning standmount speakers that i picked up for an absolute bargain thanks to ebay. would be interested to hear your thoughts on your T+A gear.
DistortedVision:My main concern is about damaging the groove and would be interested in your thoughts

I'd be slightly concerned about potential record warping with that kind of heat. I use a hair dryer to quickly dry my LPs after wet washing - this takes about 4-5 seconds per side though, nowhere near as long as the guy in the youtube vid sprays steam on his LP for! As for groove damage, I think the best way to tell would be to get an unwanted LP and do simple A/B listening - groove damage should be clearly audible.
Are the Spectrum ADL III an old speaker?

yes they are - 1985 if im not mistaken. though they are still going strong and i would gladly put them up against any comparitively priced speaker today! they crop up on the german ebay every now and again if your interested - as do their smaller brother the ADL II's (slightly smaller 20kg each instead of 25kg though they both sound sublime)

I am really pleased with my T+A system. Its quite a departure from my previous hi-fi's because I'd always they had always been British. I got mine from the UK distributor just after they stopped distributing it through a close friend of mine all brand new at the price they paid it so it was an absolute bargain. I've never actually heard much else in the other T+A ranges. As far as I know What Hi Fi? haven't ever reviewed any T+A speakers. Can you post a photo of your speakers? I've never seen T+A's older products.

I don't think T+A has sold well in the UK. They don't even have a UK distributor at the moment and when a new one will be appointed it will be the third one in less than 3 years.



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