Squeezebox Classic Users


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Aug 10, 2019
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Hi....considering buying one and would like to get a straw poll of peoples impressions and experiences before I part with the hard earned.

Any tips with operation also appreciated

Thanks in advance.


I have had a Duet for about 2 weeks now - so I cant comment on the functionality of the Classic - but assuming the core technology is the same then I can thoroughly recommend the Squeezebox concept.

Setup was fairly easy and the sound quality is excellent.

A/B comparison with my CD player show that the Squeezebox loses some detail and presence but its only a very minor difference to my aging ears.

Wish I'd got one years ago.


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Aug 17, 2007
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i have the classic - would always say buy it over the duet then buy an iphone or ipod touch to use as a remote/duke box

think its a great little device - run it wirelessly from computer to squeezebox classic then in to the mf v8 dac and sounds fantastic

it very rarely drops out and thats usually only if i'm doing lots of stuff online ect - then just stop it a little while and wait to catch - useful having big display on device to see what playing/going on at a glance

was also a doddle to setup - instantly found network and just had to enter the security code down load software and thats it - couldn't believe how simple! Software has a few niggles until you get used to it


I've had a Classic for a couple of months I had no problems setting it up and just use the standard remote. I've had no problems with it and find it quite nice just browsing my music collection and playing whatever takes my fancy. Sound quality wise I didn't find it as good as my old Arcam CD player but you can always add a DAC which is what I did.


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Apr 9, 2008
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Hi....considering buying one and would like to get a straw poll of peoples impressions and experiences before I part with the hard earned.

Any tips with operation also appreciated

Thanks in advance.

I've had a Squeezebox Classic for almost a year and can recommend it quite highly. However, I must ask why you want one? (what you want to accomplish?)... if you just want to stream music from your computer to your dacmagic, then your airport express does that as good as a Squeezebox will... and if you want a remote, then you could just get an iTouch or iPhone and use a remote for the airport express...


Why change from AE to squeezebox..........I am getting a lot of dropouts, tried all sorts of 'fixes' , changing settings here and there (mostly with the help of posters here). Sometimes (about 50%) it runs for an hour or so and then just starts dropping out for no apparent reason. Reading threads on other forums (i'm in for the chop now) there appears to be very well documented issues with AE and iTunes 8. Tried using Foobar and Airfoil and thats totally unplayable. Something to do with the way AE reclocks its received data......not too sure of the techie explaination. Just impossible to live with at times. My thoughts were to swap the AE for something that works reliably......the only thing that I could find withing my price range was the Squeezebox.

EDIT.........Address Resolution Protocol may have something to do with it as well.....anyone care to enlighten.......


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Nov 15, 2008
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Brilliant. It totally transformed my music listening habits and keeps getting better with updates. There is a tonne to read on the official slimdevices forum which I would recommend visiting.


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Apr 29, 2008
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It was mentioned in a post to buy the squeezebox and an itouch - i have the itouch and use it for streaming music from the internet and also of course the itouch can store downloaded files

so what benefit does the Squeezebox have over just using the itouch and a dock - is it a vastly superior sound or simply convenience ?


The squeezebox is an excellent bit of kit,

I did have a Naim CD5 to go with my Supernait, I purchased a Squeezebox connected wirelessly which I access with an ipod Touch which is connected with an optical cable straight into the amp and I simply cannot tell the difference between the squeezebox and the CD5, so the CD5 is now sold which actually saved me money over the SB and ipod Touch.

Now if I want to play a CD I use the DVD recorder with the optical out connected digitally to the amp and the sound is excellent, all my ripped music are FLAC files.................


JohnDuncan:raym87:very well documented issues with AE and iTunes 8



Just 1 example......(there are many more).......hope I havent broken any rules posting this link to another forum.......

John Duncan

Well-known member
Hmm - I mean it's not perfect, but I only ever see problems with losing a connection entirely, not dropouts - I think this is more a Windows problem though, and is usually to do with Windows Zero Configuration which, when turned off, fixes it.

Not to say that the SB isn't great, it is, but is a bit dear nowadays.....


JohnDuncan:Hmm - I mean it's not perfect, but I only ever see problems with losing a connection entirely, not dropouts - I think this is more a Windows problem though, and is usually to do with Windows Zero Configuration which, when turned off, fixes it.

Not to say that the SB isn't great, it is, but is a bit dear nowadays.....

Thats one of the tweaks I tried........did nothing to sort the problem though..........


I can't wait to get a duet. Will probably keep my cd player anyway. My choice for the duet over the classic is a think the classic looks like mid-eighties naffness. I dont want a mutant alarm clock on my hi fi rack. Why a tasteful black box with a nicer digital display on the front was beyond them only God knows.