Well spent a few good hours getting it all setup yesterday.Didn't have the right usb cable so picked one up for £12, so the laptop can be connected to my 105's dac.Downloaded from oppo the correct driver but it wouldn't work....after some digging(and some swearing)it appears that once the driver is downloaded i have to open it up and complete manual install...this was a first!(i'm computor illiterate)
Anyways i synced some tracks to offline and pressed play.First impressions were good,the tracks are well known to me and i wasn't drawn at all the the lower bitrate....most sounded as they should,plenty of depth and sweet treble...great!(and gapless playback)
Trouble is tho my broadband speed is that low it is taking days to sync a hundred or so tracks,computors been on since 5pm yesterday and well less than quater synced.. :roll:
Got 30days free so i will explore if it's any good for me,but becouse of my internet,i can only realisticaly play tunes offline.Having a spot of bother searching for individual tracks and albums too :roll:Read some stuff about using spotify and if anyone would care to add some advice i would be very gratefull
First impressions of spotify premium are that it is indeed worth the cost,15million+ tracks most at 320kbs can't be bad :cheers: