spikes or rubber on tiles ??


New member
Aug 10, 2019
just been reading a review of the br5s ,the reviwer reckoned they should be stood on the rubber when on tiles , not the spikes , i have mine on spikes because the guy in the shop where i bought them said that would be better , any views on this please ??ta..
you can use rubber disks under the spikes ... protects the tiles/floor
ta ds , id say the tiles will be fine they are very strong , thick tiles , it would be hard to scratch them , i was thinking more about the performance of the speakers , so they are ok on tiles in that sense ?
not sure max, but you could always buy those cheap granite chopping boards from tesco's or argos just to make sure
Done my own thing, and have a RSW12.

I got a floor tile in my carpeted living room and tried with and without the tile, and the tile sounded a lot better.

So I took the spikes off, because with the spikes it did not seem that stable, with the rubber feet, its very secure, does not move.

I never noticed a sound difference, but its probably better with rubber becuase of the vibration, better to have rubber and be solid, but with steel you will probably get a bit of resonance, I dont know, I am just trying to sound smart.

But I have rubber and prefer it.
just googled and saw a thread on another forum where it was stated that rubber pads are for solid flooring and spikes are for carpet flooring

not sure if this is correct ... but worthwhile to research further ....

my son's Partington stands came with spikes aswell as rubber disks (bought 2nd hand off ebay) and have them set up with both (on a carpet)
thanks guys , i wonder though , is that to protect flooring more than for the best sound on the relevant material ? as im not worried about floor damage i wonder are spikes better soundwise ,the speakers are very stable on them , i doubt theres much difference either way , but id like to know , maybe one of the inhouse hifi men can answer , david , rich , musicraft ?
the theory is:

wood floor = spikes


id use slim ruber or felt pad below the speakers.
tried both and the sound did not change apart from my spikes are now blunt. But i have 2 tiles under mine to keep them off the wooden floor.
ah ok , thanks , it seems its a moot point then , ill just leave them as is ..

ah those speakers


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