Speech coming out of the surround speaker?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I don't quite know what happened, but I settled down to watch a movie (recorded from sky+) on my new-ish 5.1 set up tonight and the speech was all coming out of the right hand surround speaker and not the centre. The centre seemed to be playing the part of one of the surround speakers. It hasn't done this before so I know it's not wired incorrectly, and when I'd finished watching the movie (through the tv speakers 🙁 ) I put a sky movie channel on and everything was coming out of the correct speakers. Has anyone experienced this before? What's going on??
Probably the movie was broadcast, and thus recorded, either with the channels reversed or one channel out of phase, thus totally confusing the surround processing in your AV system.
Is this something that happens often? Lucky it was a fairly boring quiet film, I'd have been really annoyed if I'd had to watch a loud action film through my tv speakers!
I watched the blu-ray of Fair Game the other night and couldn’t believe how much of the soundtrack came through the surrounds, had to turn it down as it was distracting from the movie. Has anyone else watched this movie and suffer the same problem?


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