Speakers - Wharfdale Diamond 10.1 versus Quad IIL2?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi, I am buying a new separates and can get either Wharfdale 10.1 speakers or Quad IIL2 for around the same price, because of sales. The Wharfdale's get an amazing review here, and the Quad's not as good, but they are in such different price brackets. Which would you recommend?Thanks. 
Personally, good though the Wharfedales are, the Quads are in another class.

They do need a very good amp though. I'd strongly recommend auditioning the Yamaha A-S700 which is a very neutral and musical sounding amp and really enjoys top-drawer synergy with the Quads. Its a combination that encourages long listening periods and has a more grown-up sound than most budget gear. Very rhythmic too.
they are selling forthe same price? gosh...here in portugal they are more than doble the price...quads no doubt about it
I am thinking of either the NAD 326BEE or the Marantz 6003.ÿAgain the NAD gets a better review here, but needs a pre-amp for the turntable.
And I should have said, thanks a lot for your replies so far. Really helpful!
Quads are more suited to the Nad, but Marantz I would be looking at a speaker a little more restrained, Like Wharfedale or Epos. The marantz, on the other hand should be fine with Quads, but from personal experience, the Marantz can have a slightly spikey top end if partnered incorrectly.

If possible, audition both with various speakers. One speaker I will recommend is the Usher S-520. They only achieve a WHFI star rating of three, however, these are crackers!
Thanks for all of the help with this.Will probably go for the Quads with the Nad.I'll try a few out. Thanks a lot for this.
When i bought my wharfedale evolutions a few years ago i was told by my dealer that the Quads and Wharfedale's were made int he same factory and share components.

The wooden laquered EVO's i have look the same except for the design.

Soundwise i think they would match but not that i'm saying the Quad's won't be any better.