Speakers for a narrow room.


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I need some help with choosing speakers
that will work in a narrow room. I am lucky enough to have a separate
room for my hifi (plus my books and malt whiskys) but the problem is
that it is rather narrow, 2.7m x 5m.
The layout is that there are floor to ceiling bookshelves on the end
wall and the speakers stand about 60cm in front of the bookshelves
firing down the length of the room. The back of my settee is 3.5m from
the front of the speakers but unfortunately I cannot bring the speakers
further forward because of a doorway.
Currently I have a Michel Mycro turntable, Densen B400 cd player, Densen
B100 amp and QLN 201 speakers. The QLN's were bought as a temporary
measure some years ago and they have always been the weakest part of
the system but I now have £500 - £600 to replace them.

The biggest problem when trying other speakers has always been
bass boom so whatever I buy has got to be well controlled in that area. The
Densen combo can also sound bright with the wrong speakers which I find
tiring. However, I do like to hear lots of detail and because they are relatively close together, speakers that throw a big soundstage would be good too.

I would be happy with floor or standmount speakers and I mainly listen to blues, jazz,
female vocals.......

All suggestions/comments will be gratefully received.
see if you can check out some atc scm 11. i haven't heard them, and they are over your budget, but assuming they are like my scm19, i would imagine the bass is very well controlled and they should be very flexible regarding positioning. not sure how they would fare with bright sounding components though, mine are very revealing, so a demo would be essential.
Thanks for your response Craig. I remember being impressed some time ago by the SCM 11's when they were the being demo'd as the "budget" option on a fairly high end system. I would love to try them in my room but their price means that buying them 2nd hand would be my only option so that would be unlikely to happen.


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