Speakers: Boston Acoustics A25 / Dali Zensor 1 / Mission E30


New member
Dec 29, 2013
Hello What Hifi

Some time ago I updated the living room setup from a Harman/Kardon AVR-142 to a Marantz AV7701 / MM7055 setup. The AVR-142 was gathering dust in the attic and I decided to set it up in the office space just as to play stereo from the computer.. but I don't have a speaker pair yet. So now during the holiday seasons I see some actions at various shops and now have the option to buy any of the mentioned speakers in the subject line. Prices are per speaker, so obviously should buy them in pairs.

Boston Acoustics A25 - 68 euros (56 British pounds) - regular price at shop: 128 euros (106 British pounds)

Dali Zensor 1 - 149 euros (124 British pounds) [not part of the promo]

Mission E30 - 79 euros (66 British pounds) - regular price at shop: 129 euros (107,5 British pounds)

I do realize that the Dali Zensor 1's are more expensive than the other two options but I'm willing to pay for the price difference if there is in fact an audible difference as well.

I'm buying these speakers "blind" as the promo period is only short and I no knowledge of a dealer here in my direct environment that has all three available to compare them sonically. But from what I've read the Dali's and BA's are almost a no-brainer as they get high scores in almost all reviews. I don't find much information about the Mission E30s.

So initially the will be connected to the old AVR-142 from Harman/Kardon. Once sold, I will replace the unit with a stereo amp - probably a Marantz PM6005. Has enough power to drive the speakers and has a built-in DAC so I can directly connect the PC to this unit.

I'm not looking for an audiophile setup - I just want to have descent playback of movies/music (streamed from NAS) in the office and the usual YouTube watching on this system.

So what's your take on any of the three options (with the future integrated amp. in mind)? Thanks for your advice.
Can't help you here, sorry... Never heard any of this speakers but if was me to buy blind folded, and this is just a question of personal taste, i'll buy the Dali.

I have the Bostons and they sound great through my Onkyo amp which they are paired with. Nice and warm with no harsh treble.

Have also tried them through my Marantz PM5004 amp and they sound excellente through that too but the Onkyo has the edge.

They look great too.

Can't comment on the others you mention as i haven't heard em..
I'd normally advise the Dalis for out and out sound quality. However, the Bostons are fine speakers and with the difference in price I think they are the real bargain in terms of performance per pound. My vote, on this occasion, goes to the A25s.
If be inclined to go with the Boston speakers too. The A26 enjoyed some good feedback and the 25s will probably share some of the characteristics. The Missions would be worth hearing if only to put your mind at rest. The Dalis would be rather good I'd expect, but as Matthew says, they'd need to be a serious step up from the Boston's endeavors. I'm not completely convinced that they would be.
The A26s are also on sale now at the same shop, coming in at 85 euros a piece (71 British pound) - which is still within affordable range. But that poses of course another question as well, just like the Dali's, is the difference in price worth the difference in audio performance... (between the A25 and A26)

From what I read - the Dali's have a cleaner (deeper) bass compared to the A25s. Since the A26 has a larger woofer, I assume it mainly addresses the performance in that region compared to the A25?


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