Help choosing speakers


Feb 23, 2022
Hi everyone,
I'm new to this post. I am hesitating between two speakers, the Dali Spektor 2 or the Mission QX-2 previous generation (not the MKII). The Mission's are reduced for clearance at $599 Canadian (350 pounds) from a regular sales price of $899 (really expensive in Canada compared to UK) which is only $50 more than the Dali's, which are at their regular price of $549 CDN.

I haven't listened to the Dali's but read alot of goods things about them especially that they are expressive (which I like, but at a moderate level) and also heard good things about the Mission's being fun. I like speakers that are a little bit lively (without excess) but still refined and easy to listen to. I have a Cambridge Audio AXR100 amp.

Basing on regular price, I'm wondering if the Mission's are really that much better or are Dali's just as good but different, as I hear they are a bargain at their asking price?
Should I jump on the Mission's at that price?

Thanks for your help,
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The Missions might take a bit of driving but your amp but your amp should be sufficient.
Personally I would take these at that price but as I said, personally.
Auditioning yourself is the only way to know what's best for you.
Thanks for your reply. Why do you say they might take a bit of driving?
And from what I understand, you think that the Mission's would be a better deal?


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