speakers + amp (dac included) total 4,000pds


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all of you,

Happy new year in advance.

I am going to move my living room set (AVI ADM9.1) to my working place on the 2nd floor. So I have room for a beautiful new set in my living room.

Of course I want to use a dac, no cd player anymore for me.

So I prefer an amp with built in dac (2 digital out minimum) like the Cyrus 8XPD. + 2 nice speakers.

budget is 4,000 pounds.

Living room is 3,80 mtr * 5,15 mtr and very important I like rock/metal and classical music. I also want to watch some movies with it, not a big movie surround fan so just 2.0 stereo, no subwoofer.

Dac will be plugged into a Panasonic bdp 65 for movies and apple tv for music.

Any advice?

thnx in advance

igglebert:Another pair of ADMs with the sub?

Are you on commission?

The OP already has ADM9.1s so I am sure he's considered them already.
The Cyrus with a nice pair of Vienna Acoustics floorstanders. Mmmm, nice......
igglebert:Another pair of ADMs with the sub?

hahah no I love the adm9.1 but I want floorstanders and no subwoofer because I have a big sideboard and don't want a sub in the corner, maybe I will buy the Avi sub for in my study room.

I read something about the spendor a6 with cyrus on a review site, anyone ever listened to this combo?
Ok. I have to ask...

...given how superior to seperates (costing many times more in price) the ADM9.1s are supposed to be - added to the fact that you already have ADM9.1s - then why are you asking about suggestions for a £4000 seperates system with passive speakers?

Why not just get another pair (with or without sub) and save a fortune?
Wait until this Summer and buy a pair of the new ADM40 three way active floorstanders with 750W of active amplification and built in DAC/pre, etc. Apparently they will be between £2.5 and £3k in price. Over the 9.1T they will give you a stereo sub arrangement (same sub driver but one in each as a floorstander arrangement) and will relieve the mid driver at a higher crossover frequency than offered by the 9s (100Hz). In theory they will sound clearer.

I hate getting so excited about stuff as I do get a little obsessive. Apologies, just throwing my thoughts in.
I can recommend the Naim SuperNait as an excellent integrated amp with built in DAC. I can also recommend my Neat speakers, but they are standmounts and would exceed your budget. Neat Motive 2 floorstanders would probably be an excellent match too - in fact I think I read a review of the SuperNait where it had been partnered with these to great effect.
I second the Adm 40's if you are happy with the 9.1's, they should be stunning and if you can get to Cheltenham they have a proto type pair for a demo.
Ok. I have to ask...

...given how superior to seperates (costing many times more in price) the ADM9.1s are supposed to be - added to the fact that you already have ADM9.1s - then why are you asking about suggestions for a £4000 seperates system with passive speakers?

I do not want to digress here but I feel like I have to say it here. I have been trying to get a decent sound in my living room and been changing components like crazy. The biggest challenge that I face is the integration between the DAC, Amp and speakers. Last night I got home Proac Response D Two. They sound really good and Sweet (No too much bass like Contour S1.4) but the high end is a tad bright for me. Now I am suspecting my DAC or the Amp 🙁

This seems to never end, even if I figure out all, then there could be the cables or something else.

I like the AVI ADM concept here and it feels easy for people like me. Howe ever, your (and some other active members on this forum) collective comments against give me a feel that the AVI ADM is up to something which is not so transparent and being over cautious, I am ruling out every time. Also, since I live in Germany, it might be very challenging to get an audition of these speakers (I have realized it very hard way that there is nothing to match a home audition and very few offer such an option here)

Now, I am torn between what to believe and what not in case of AVI ADM.

Coming back to OP, I am in the same boat. The amps with DACs that I come across are Moon I3.3 (which I have not heard), Primare 32 (The DAC module is an add on, heard Pirmare 30 but it sounds just like my Marantz especially on Contour S1.4), Musical Fidelity M6i (Heard it with CM9 and it is definetly only HiFi and not musical - extremely clinical) and ofcourse SuperNait (which is a 4 star product by WHF).

Luckily I have no problem with Sub but I considered B&W CM9 (I keep wondering how it won the EISA award, as I have heard in all the auditions and all the competing speakers beat it, mostly in soundstage), Dynaudio Excite (36 perfomed much better than 32 and 36 are still the most clean wide best speaker heard), KEF IQ 9 was alright. But now with the current thinking and after introduced to Proac, I will consider also Proac D18 or Spendor A5 (obviously for smaller size).

I will be watching movies with my Stereo set up and so will definitely need a Sub (Movie 2.1 and Music 2.0/2.1)

I think after spending so much money everywhere else, I feel like I should order AVI ADM 9T just to check it out 🙂
igglebert:Another pair of ADMs with the sub?

hahah no I love the adm9.1 but I want floorstanders and no subwoofer because I have a big sideboard and don't want a sub in the corner, maybe I will buy the Avi sub for in my study room.

I read something about the spendor a6 with cyrus on a review site, anyone ever listened to this combo?

Now this is just my personal opinion and i am a bit biased. I have listened to the A6s on Cyrus, no,no,no. I would recommend them with Sugden simply because that after auditioning lots of low, mid and hi-end gear, that is the combo that did it for me. Also, Densen sounded rather nice. As always, audition lots.
I like the AVI ADM concept here and it feels easy for people like me. Howe ever, your (and some other active members on this forum) collective comments against give me a feel that the AVI ADM is up to something which is not so transparent and being over cautious, I am ruling out every time. Also, since I live in Germany, it might be very challenging to get an audition of these speakers (I have realized it very hard way that there is nothing to match a home audition and very few offer such an option here)

You will find that the negative comments towards them are generally from those that have not heard them.

To quote Ashley - "Probably over 90% of what we sell is via the online shop to people who
can't hear them beforehand because they may be in another country or
whatever. We send them all over the world. So far we've had about four
unhappy customers in nearly 3000 sales, most really love them and say so

I appreciate that buying blind is not the best course of action. However, I did with the ADMs given all the positive feedback and I was not disappointed.

I like the AVI ADM concept here and it feels easy for people like me. Howe ever, your (and some other active members on this forum) collective comments against give me a feel that the AVI ADM is up to something which is not so transparent and being over cautious, I am ruling out every time. Also, since I live in Germany, it might be very challenging to get an audition of these speakers (I have realized it very hard way that there is nothing to match a home audition and very few offer such an option here)

You will find that the negative comments towards them are generally from those that have not heard them.

To quote Ashley - "Probably over 90% of what we sell is via the online shop to people who can't hear them beforehand because they may be in another country or whatever. We send them all over the world. So far we've had about four unhappy customers in nearly 3000 sales, most really love them and say so immediately."

I appreciate that buying blind is not the best course of action. However, I did with the ADMs given all the positive feedback and I was not disappointed.

Indeed there is nothing worse than critiscising a componant without hearing it eh? (mains cables / power conditioners / i/c's)
WishTree:chebby:Ok. I have to ask...
...given how superior to seperates (costing many times more in price) the ADM9.1s are supposed to be - added to the fact that you already have ADM9.1s - then why are you asking about suggestions for a £4000 seperates system with passive speakers?
I like the AVI ADM concept here and it feels easy for people like me. Howe ever, your (and some other active members on this forum) collective comments against give me a feel that the AVI ADM is up to something which is not so transparent and being over cautious, I am ruling out every time. Also, since I live in Germany, it might be very challenging to get an audition of these speakers (I have realized it very hard way that there is nothing to match a home audition and very few offer such an option here)
Now, I am torn between what to believe and what not in case of AVI ADM.

I have no criticism of the ADM9.1s or any other AVI product. Quite the opposite. There are occasions when I recommend trying their products if they seem appropriate as a solution.

They have been well reviewed by a number of hifi magazines (including WHF) and other publications (Gramophone for instance) and feedback from users has been universally positive. AVI also have a long history of producing well-received gear going back some 20 years or more. They have fine credentials and make fine products.

My only criticisms apply to the dogmatism of AVI 'marketing' that seems to have a cult like quality - allowing for no dissent or debate over the manufacturer's claims. The same internet marketing also has a strong tendency towards 'negative advertising' that goes beyond deriding their competitor's products and derides their competitor's customers too.

Companies like Rega and Naim (and some others) also have a kind of 'cult' following, but I have never, ever seen their senior staff deriding their competition on the internet or the preferences and tastes of their competitor's customers.
Sidestepping the ADM9.1 debate (my thoughts, having heard them, have been documented), I'd look at the Cyrus 8XPd (or whatever it's called) or a Supernait, plus whatever floorstanders match them well. Can't speak for the Cyrus, though have heard them sound...suboptimal...with some large Vienna standmounts, but PMC (GB1i) or Neat (Motive 1) should match the Supernait.
I have always respected your views and opinions, Chebby, and that is very unlikely to change. Just remember, you're buying hifi kit to serve your own needs and wallet. Don't let everything else stand in the way as I believe it's a classic case of cutting the nose off to spite the face. If we were talking about buying into a service such as those offered by Spotify or Apple, then concerns over marketing and those running the business might be founded. With regard to AVI, you need never be involved in the "AVI thing" ever again after purchase. Their customer care is extremely good though!

EDIT JD, you're right, enough of the AVI debate
JohnDuncan:Can't speak for the Cyrus, though have heard them sound...suboptimal...with some large Vienna standmounts...

Just this morning I read a glowing WHF 5 star review of Cyrus and Vienna standmounts in the 'One Make' systems test in the current (January) issue.

Were they the ones you heard?
Naim are meant to go well with Vienna Acoustics. That's what I heard the Haydns with, and the sound was by no means bad.
Sorry to repeat, but as you already have the ADM9.1 the ADM40 would be too obvious a prospect to pass up, especially at £2.5 - 3k.

Another setup that might interest you is XTZ. They have a dealer in Germany (www.mindaudio.de):

Class-A100D3 + Sub Amp 1 DSP > 99.26 P + W10.17 P

The complete setup would cost £2435 from Audio Sanctum in the UK. The amp has a built-in DAC and the subwoofer amp has DSP for room correction. You can use the latter together with the XTZ Room Analyzer (£155) for more precise results.

Good Luck and Happy New Year
How can anyone suggest a component that isn't on sale yet and won't be for several months?

Seriously, how can people possibly recommend the ADM40s? They could be dreadful.

I'm a recent (as in two weeks or so) convert to Naim but wouldn't recommend future products, nor those I haven't heard. It makes no logical sense.
People are always looking to future products Grottyash, it's what keeps the whole technology industry on it's toes. I was thumbing through all the hi fi and electrical mags in a newsagents today and the first dozen or so pages in many were "up and coming" things to be looked forward to in 2011. Should they all be dismissed or not recommended? Of course not. A few people have heard these 40's and it sounds promising.
chebby:Companies like Rega and Naim (and some others) also have a kind of 'cult' following, but I have never, ever seen their senior staff deriding their competition on the internet or the preferences and tastes of their competitor's customers.
Firstly, I'm not a fan of such behaviour either. However, let's put things into perspective...

Regarding the Naim HDX, Naim's International Sales Manager told audiences at Bristol Hi-Fi Show that "other rippers only claim to be perfect". And when a member of the Naim forums remarked that "I've already experienced that EAC easily outperformes the ripping engine from the HDX", Naim's Managing Director replied "sorry (username) your dreaming".

Personally, I don't take the marketing division of any company too seriously. I prefer to focus on a) the product itself, and b) the brains behind said product.
I concur Alien. I only waver a bit on services that I dislike the marketing of. You have to live with it.

Grottyash, of course you can recommend investigating a product that isn't out yet. I think that if you have £4k to spend you'd be foolish not to consider what's in the pipelines. I mean, blimey, talk about seeing as far as your own nose. Yes, they might be rubbish. It's not likely though, given the track record of previous products, one of which the OP owns. It's OK to take time over these sorts of purchases. If the OP decides that the wait isn't acceptable, buy something else!