Speaker upgrade advice request


New member
Sep 12, 2016
Hi all,

am new to this so hope this is ok. I am planning to upgrade my speakers but unsure which to go for. Living in North Scotland its hard to get audition of candidates. Currently I have a Roksan Kandy K2 amp soon to be joined by K2 power amp for bi-amping. Sources are Audiolab 8200CD but nowadays mostly flacs via Pioneer N70A streamer. Current speakers are a pair of 25 year old TDL RTL3s. My problem is that I am unsure about system matching when choosing speakers. Having read a number of reviews I am currently thinking between Dali Opticon 8 and B&W CM9 S2. Others I should be considering? Is spending around 2 grand on a pair of speakers too much given current setup? Ar they going to give a significant improvement over the TDLs? My room is large enough that I would prefer to remain with floorstanders. My listening choices are various. Pink Floyd, Supertramp, Christine and the Queens to Vivaldi, Mozart and lots of others. Even a bit of late night Jazz.

Any opions gratefully received.

Speaker choice is a very personal choice. Recommendations can only be given by speaker sound descriptions. Purchase is usually conditioned by personal liking after the listening. I can recommend any speakers from "Leema Acoustics". The best money / performance loudspeakers I have heard so far.
bigfish786 said:
Focal aria 926 are within budget.

High quality beautifully sounding floorstanders.

They will last you a very long time, and take an upgrade or two in the future too.

+1 to these. Also, Wharfedale Jade 3 or 5. Sound gorgeous with Pink Floyd, Genesis etc.
But, of course, you should audition for yourself - this is all very subjective. The only time I heard the K2 was with Sonus Faber Toy Towers, so if you can find a pair of those, add them to your list.
Norrie59 said:
Hi all,

am new to this so hope this is ok. I am planning to upgrade my speakers but unsure which to go for. Living in North Scotland its hard to get audition of candidates. Currently I have a Roksan Kandy K2 amp soon to be joined by K2 power amp for bi-amping. Sources are Audiolab 8200CD but nowadays mostly flacs via Pioneer N70A streamer. Current speakers are a pair of 25 year old TDL RTL3s. My problem is that I am unsure about system matching when choosing speakers. Having read a number of reviews I am currently thinking between Dali Opticon 8 and B&W CM9 S2. Others I should be considering? Is spending around 2 grand on a pair of speakers too much given current setup? Ar they going to give a significant improvement over the TDLs? My room is large enough that I would prefer to remain with floorstanders. My listening choices are various. Pink Floyd, Supertramp, Christine and the Queens to Vivaldi, Mozart and lots of others. Even a bit of late night Jazz.

Any opions gratefully received.


Would you have more to spend on speakers if you forget the power amp / biamping you suggest? I might propose this is not worth doing and an increase in budget for speakers would give you an overall improvement greater than bi-ampling.
Just discovered this morning that the supplier cannot supply. Realised that the K2 power amp was discontinued but they were still showing on suppliers website but got apologetic call this morning... so, Yes, could omit the bi-amping and stretch budget to maybe 3k
Norrie59 said:
Just discovered this morning that the supplier cannot supply. Realised that the K2 power amp was discontinued but they were still showing on suppliers website but got apologetic call this morning... so, Yes, could omit the bi-amping and stretch budget to maybe 3k

Right. I don't think you would have gained a great deal by stamping anyway but don't let me stop you, I am sure there are second-hand Roksan power amps going around.

Regards the speakers you listed, are these ones you can actually audition or just ones you fancied the sound / look of?

I would personally recommend you look at Spendor speakers with the Roksan amp, either the A5R or A6R would suit quite nicely. Also don't disregard the Danes as the Scansonic MB2.5 is very good.

If you want to keep with the transmission-line design then the PMC Twenty.23 would fit the bill.


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